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Reveal All


Active member
After putting in all the equipment and stats into the Mechanics reference, I realized that there is no reason to keep this info from my players, it's all in the core rulebook anyway.

I wanted to reveal all the topics and all the snippets to an entire topic category at once, and could find no way to do so. I could only open each individual topic and click on every blue sphere to turn them green for every snippet. Tedious. I just wanted a "quick reveal all" option somewhere.
Go to a topic, select the tools button on the topic, Reveal All Snippets. Then just reveal the topic itself. Perhaps that will make it faster for you?
I haven't noticed a "reveal all topics" option under the categories, but in the General Tasks for each Topic and each Section, there are options to Reveal and Conceal All Snippets. I haven't played with them, but they might make things a bit easier for you in the future.

EDIT: Not a spy, eh? Then how'd you know I typing a reply and beat me to the punch, David? ;)
Keep in mind also that our end goal for the Mechanics articles is that you'd be getting them as a package of some sort from the publisher of your game system for convenience, rather than hand entering all the data yourself. This data would likely come defaulted as all revealed, and it would be up to you the GM to conceal certain spells and rare items if you wanted player to have to discover them.
That is something I think many of us are interested in, especially since it has already been mentioned that there would be some sort of announcement regarding this in the 'near' future...

Even just getting the early Christmas present of a thin slice of the SRD/PfRD information would be amazing. It would COULD provide a much needed TEMPLATE for the consistent entry of 'homebrew' data... Say a single monster/feat/spell/skill/wondrous item/class/race/piece of mundane equipment/deity/location. This might take a day (or even two) to create but would be something that would most likely (certainly to my mind) be of IMMENSE value to the EA release group (don't know what hidden mysteries the Beta group has already been initiated into)...

Would any others like to provide feedback as to its possible value to them??? :)
That is something I think many of us are interested in, especially since it has already been mentioned that there would be some sort of announcement regarding this in the 'near' future...

Even just getting the early Christmas present of a thin slice of the SRD/PfRD information would be amazing. It would COULD provide a much needed TEMPLATE for the consistent entry of 'homebrew' data... Say a single monster/feat/spell/skill/wondrous item/class/race/piece of mundane equipment/deity/location. This might take a day (or even two) to create but would be something that would most likely (certainly to my mind) be of IMMENSE value to the EA release group (don't know what hidden mysteries the Beta group has already been initiated into)...

Would any others like to provide feedback as to its possible value to them??? :)

Absolutely! +1
Us EA'ers didn't get the sample dataset. I'm betting something was included in that. Maybe the next update will bring us some insights into how LW has been inputting data.