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Removing Attunment



In our campaign, we decided to remove the attunment demand. is there an option to remove it in the Hero Lab ? if not a checkbox or an option in the configure hero, maybe as somekind of script ?

in addition, how can we make "combined" items ? (as mentioned in the DMG)

Add a mechanic with an eval script that increases the tAttunMax field on the hero to something ridiculous, like 99.

Make combined items by copying what exists in the editor and adding the effects of another item.
Thanks for the quick reply.
I am not so good with scripts, may I ask for a specific instruction on where and how to write such a script for the attunment ?
Thanks again.
Once you've created the mechanic, hit the blue "Eval Scripts" button in the upper right while you have it selected. For Phase choose PostLevels and for Priority choose 10000

Then enter the following code:

herofield[tAttunMax].value += 99