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RealmWorks CSV Import Tool

I don't know the specific issue with Excel when creating multi-line entries in the CSV file. The correct format is simply to have the line break appear inside the double-quote marks that surround the value of a field.

A quick test shows the following CSV file was generated for 4 lines in the spreadsheet:

what,the vaule,another value
line 1,a single line,"a line
with a line break"
line 2,another single line,yet another singleline
line3,,no data in previous column
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I don't know the specific issue with Excel when creating multi-line entries in the CSV file. The correct format is simply to have the line break appear inside the double-quote marks that surround the value of a field.

Thanks Farling. I actually just got it working. Looks like this:

Spellcasting. He is a 3rd level caster."

"Cantrips: spell1, spell2

Need that extra blank line.

One last question for you though I don't think its possible. Is there any way to add bold and italics? I know CSV doesn't support it, but is there a tag I can add that the xml would pick up and then it would work?
One last question for you though I don't think its possible. Is there any way to add bold and italics? I know CSV doesn't support it, but is there a tag I can add that the xml would pick up and then it would work?

The tool doesn't go down to that level. However, it does allow you to specify the snippet style that is applied to the entire snippet.
The following errors were encountered during import:

Encountered validation error for the import XML: The element 'topic' in namespace 'urn:lonewolfdevel.com:realm-works-export' has invalid child element 'overlay' in namespace 'urn:lonewolfdevel.com:realm-works-export'. List of possible elements expected: 'alias, section' in namespace 'urn:lonewolfdevel.com:realm-works-export'.

Could anybody who is getting this error provide me with the structure-only file and a minimal CSV file which will reproduce this problem please?
Could anybody who is getting this error provide me with the structure-only file and a minimal CSV file which will reproduce this problem please?

I have both. It has to be something with the structure as I created a VERY minimal CSV file with only 1 row and 4 columns and still got errors. What is the best way to send you these?
I have both. It has to be something with the structure as I created a VERY minimal CSV file with only 1 row and 4 columns and still got errors. What is the best way to send you these?

Links to any cloud service, e.g. dropbox, in a private message would be fine.
I sent you a PM with a link to both files. The structure file did not have a lot of changes to it but I gave you a list of what I did change.

Hi Joe,
Did you generate the RW structure file directly from Realm Works?
It has some rogue "overlay" elements.
Was this from a realm that was created a few years ago, or a newish realm?

When I used your structure file to create a brand new realm, and then did a structure-only export from that the new realm, the RW structure file did NOT have the "overlay" elements in it.
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For some reason CR is not importing for me. Can you see if you can reproduce this?

The tag values for the Challenge Rating tag defined in your structure-only export file includes "CR " in front of the numeric value, so this text must also appear at the start of the CR field in your CSV file.
Hi Joe,
Did you generate the RW structure file directly from Realm Works?
It has some rogue "overlay" elements.
Was this from a realm that was created a few years ago, or a newish realm?

When I used your structure file to create a brand new realm, and then did a structure-only export from that the new realm, the RW structure file did NOT have the "overlay" elements in it.

I created a brand new realm on Sunday and exported the structure from that. So not sure where those rogue elements would have come from.

Also, for the CR, thanks. I realized that like 20 mins after I posted my questions. I finally got my export all done and formatted nice. It looking great. I just have to edit the xml and remove those overlays every time
V1.24 has just been released.

This contains a simple fix to not include the blank "overlay" elements which were causing problems for various users.
V1.25 has just been released.

This release fixes the error that occurred when trying to import files which had the "<" character in a field.

Individual "<" characters are now encoded properly.

If the CSV field starts with "<" and ends with ">" then the entire field is assumed to be HTML and no encoding is performed.
This may be an easy or dumb question, so excuse my ignorance.

I have successfully imported some of the database items available on pathfindercommunity.net for my semi-homebrew campaign. I believe the changes I made on my desktop at home were saved to the cloud. I synced my realmworks realm when I launched it on my laptop, but none of the DB items I imported are present. Am I missing something? How can I access all of the DB items I imported on one machine from another?
How well does this work for importing events? I have a spreadsheet with a When (date stamp) and a What (Notes on the event) (located here) for Shadowrun to import into my World Almanac. If so, is there an easy way to go about that?
How well does this work for importing events? I have a spreadsheet with a When (date stamp) and a What (Notes on the event) (located here) for Shadowrun to import into my World Almanac. If so, is there an easy way to go about that?

I must admit I haven't checked for the import of dates and times properly. I suspect the current implementation will expect the date to be in the time format expected in XML files.

The absolute minimum format which might work is "2002-09-24", otherwise a fuller format might be required "2002-05-30T09:00:00".

The CSV tool doesn't currently support entering data for Date_Game or Date_Range snippet types. I'll add it to the TODO list.
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I must admit I haven't checked for the import of dates and times properly. I suspect the current implementation will expect the date to be in the time format expected in XML files.

The absolute minimum format which might work is "2002-09-24", otherwise a fuller format might be required "2002-05-30T09:00:00".

The CSV tool doesn't currently support entering data for Date_Game or Date_Range snippet types. I'll add it to the TODO list.

I tested it with the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss format for 'Incident' and the application crashes. :(

However, I can work on my NLP portion to extract names and locations in the meantime.
URL does not exist

I am attempting to import some monsters. I have the CSV saved in the same folder as some jpg and png files I am using for the portrait field. I have done this before and it worked great. But now for some reason when I generate my file I get tons of the same error: File/URL does not exist:

The file names are simply "monster name.jpg" with no path added. As i said the CSV is in the same directory as the image files. Any idea what would cause this error? If I remove the portrait from the import it works fine. Thanks