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Realm/Template/Export Management - How To


Well-known member
Saw my post a while back get referenced a handful of times, so I thought I'd make a thread for it, with a few small tweaks.

First of all NEVER import backwards. This will cause you headaches. If you have something in one realm you want edited and added to an older source realm, go to that realm and edit there, then export that and re-import.

I currently have 4 realm templates.

Blank - Completely empty. ALL default categories/tags are disabled or deleted. There is no way for me to share this. You'll have to make your own.
Structure - This contains all the categories/tags all my realms use. I don't use any of the defaults. This doesn't included categories that can be system specific, like monster stat blocks, etc.
Gamesystem - This contains all the game specific categories/tags my realms use, PLUS the import from Structure. PF2 spells, monsters, quick rules references, that kind of stuff.
World - This contains all the world lore etc. that all my realms use, PLUS the import from Structure. NOT Gamesystem, in case I ever switch systems in the future.

When I want to create a new realm, I first COPY the blank realm.
Next I open that realm, and import a STRUCTURE-ONLY export from the Structure realm.
Then I import a FULL export from the World and/or Gamesystem realms.

ALL imports require using advanced options and checking the boxes for OVERWRITE conflicts.

ALL exports have "preserve ownership" checked. This is super important.

If you try to create any topics in the totally blank realm RW WILL CRASH. Make sure you have some sort of category for every possible section before doing so.

If I make a change to any of the template realms and re-export, all my changes easily import to my active realm.

Partway through creating a realm, I realized I needed another snippet in a category. I saved and synced my current realm, switch to the Structure realm, and made my change. Exported preserving ownership, imported to my current realm overwriting conflicts, and the category now has the additional snippet. Any previously created topics require a re-sync or manual add to get the new snippet, but all newly created topics afterwards will have it.

It took quite a bit of trial and error to get this all to work, but it was well worth the effort.

I'd be happy to share my structure export if anyone is interested. You're probably better off making one on your own that fits your needs.
I would share my other templates as well, however they contain lots of IP that is not mine, so I cannot legally do so.

I also recommend using version numbers in the export section, then make note in the description what each version number means. You can keep an export of each, or delete them as you go once you've confirmed all is well.

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