Looking through the rest of the asset for Android/Robot, you'll see that the Trait Specials button says it has two tags: Bundle and Unusual Trait. That will probably be the case for most bundles, although in some settings, bundles aren't going to be unusual. Below that is the Race? tag - here, you can enter the a Race tag that will show up whenever the character's race needs to be displayed - the easiest place to see this is on the printout, on the top left.
At the very bottom of the list is the sources selector. Unless you want your bundle to show up while you're using Serenity, BSG, Demon Hunters, the Core rules, or Supernatural, or any setting a user comes up with, you should assign it one or more sources that say when it should be seen. Note that for the core rules source, you'll see:
Cortex Core rules (in gray)
Cortex Core Rules
Star of the Guardians
TRACE Setting
Arcady Setting
All the things from the core book are assigned to the gray version of the core rules, because all the others are actually children of the main one. As children, once they're selected, the parent is automatically selected, too, so the three settings from the core rules get to share all the basic core rules traits/skills/gear/weapons, and then get to add their own as well, so the Bloodsword from Star of the Guardians won't show up when you're playing TRACE.
If you're building a new game setting that's using the core rules as its base, I suggest you create a new setting that's a child of the Core Rules. To do so, first go to the (?) next to the grayed out Cortex Core Rules source, and you'll find that it's unique ID is SysCore. Write that down. Now, unselect all the other sources, select "-New Source-" from the top of the list, and press "OK". It will now prompt you to create your new source. So, give your source a unique ID, then enter the unique ID of its parent in the next line (SysCore in this case), and give it a name on the third line.
Unfortunately, the new source won't immediately be displayed as a child of the Core rules source, but it will work. So, now that you've constructed the bundle, press "Text Now!" at the top left to add it to the game, and then you can start using it.
To get your new source to display in the correct order, exit the editor, and once you're back to the regular HL window, press ctrl-r (Quick Reset). Once this is done you can re-open the editor, and your source will be in the correct place. From now on, all you need to do for everything else for your new game system is to simply select that source - you won't need to create it again.