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Pure Steam

Not yet. Haven't found anyone who has made a file for it yet, and apparently I am really really bad at using the editor.
So, still trucking along on the Pure Steam file. Gotta be honest, my wife is doing most ofl the work here because apparently, I am really bad at this whole editor thing. I can do routing and switching and all that good stuff, but I can't write a formula for an ability to save my life. That said, this is going to take a while so fair warning. Also still trying to decipher a problem with the chaplain. May not be a problem and may just be how I am reading it, but until I figure out which it is, progress on that portion is at a bit of a halt. Hopefully I'll have better news on progress in the future.
Alright folks, to those interested, still working on Pure Steam. So far, it's been interesting. Again, my wife has done most of the work on this to be entirely truthful. The current problem we are experiencing is with the class called the Gearhead. We are fairly certain Chaplain and feats are done. The problem we are encountering on said Gearhead is with contraptions. A gearhead can make x amount of contraptions per day of assorted levels. These contraptions are based on schematics which the gearhead will learn through study or various other means. Then it gets weird because each of these contraptions has charges it can be used per day. Unfortunately it seems that contraptions are basically containers because any given contraption may have more than one schematic in it. As such we are not quite sure how to set up any of this up in the editor and how we would get it to keep track of uses etc. So, we are doing our best to get this figured out, but any and all assistance on this would be most spiffy.
Howdy folks, still trucking along, and still stuck on contraptions. Found a way to allow 2 schematics to be in one contraption by copying the alchemist ability for extracts. Problem is some contraptions can have up to 4 schematics and we are stuck at not being able to combine more than 2. So, that's the latest. If anyone in the community comes up with a brilliant idea on this, feel free to let me know.
If I understand correctly, you're using the existing Custom Spell thing with the tag from Combine Extracts to allow picking a second spell for the container? Unfortunately, you don't have access to the UI elements necessary to add a 3rd and 4th selector.

The only thing I can think of here is creating a new Custom Spell, which references your own custom built form. Might need to make a new tab and table to add it on as well. That's going to involve messing around with the raw XML and authoring kit stuff, which I am not sure how comfortable you are with.
Level of comfort, 0. Will probably still give it a try. In the meantime I will focus on another part of the book and probably come back to that.
That's a good idea, get some practice in with easier things and then circle back to the complex stuff.
Just ran across this thread and am thinking of picking up the Pure Steam for my group. Anyone have any files for Hero Lab they are going to share?
So, this is coming along slowly. Sorry about the length of time folks, but it has been a bumpy ride over here with all sorts of chaos. That said, progress is being made, albeit very slowly. Working on assorted parts of the book. Still have not figured out contraptions. Likewise I still don't understand how to export an xml file, much less anything else involved with it. Was going to try to extract the one for combine extracts and see if i could get it to serve my needs but alas, really bad at that sort of thing. Hoping to have a slightly better update before end of the month.
Good evening folks, sorry to drop off the face of the planet for a while, but suffice to say it has been relatively chaotic here. Actually extremely so. I am still doing what I can on this project but as stated I have no idea what I am actually doing here so again, fair warning on that. Right now I am working on the item properties, such as ablative punk'd etc. While I have all the text in place, I have no idea how to actually get it working so to speak. So if something adds 1d6 fire damage to a weapon, I don't actually know how to code that. I'll try to spend a bit of time on that soon unless someone else wants a copy of that portion of the file to take a crack at it. Still haven't figured out the xml or anything to get contraptions going on the gearhead. Anywho, that is the latest.
so i was working on descriptive text for beastly tattoo, but it mentions it has different plus values. Would I need to create a separate entry for each of the values or is there an easier way. sorry for the trouble.
Hey Avaret,

I plan on running a Pure Steam game in the future (trying to incorporate Kingdom-building rules into it as well). I just purchased hero lab and would like to use it for Pure Steam. I reached out to the creator of PS and haven't heard if they have any plans on taking advantage of HL. I wouldn't mind working together (im a newb at the editor myself) to try to build it into HL. I know its a lot of work but i think in the long run its worth it.
Well I wouldn't turn down the assistance, that is for sure. I'm actually not at those particular computers at the moment(my desktop and my wife's), but when I get back home this evening I'll see what is actually accounted for between the two of us. Once I get that figured out I'll send you an update of where we are at and where your help could be utilized.
To anyone curious about the long period of radio silence on this project. Thus far all efforts have been disastrous. So far, we have lost the data files multiple times due to my wife's comp breaking, my comp breaking, both of our laptops dying as well, and the usb stick with the compiled data has gone missing. Pretty much it has been one piece of equipment failure after another. I have to say, the odds of completion at this rate are not looking good, but I'll see if I have it in me for yet another start from scratch. This message sent to you through, the public library, those are still a thing, visit yours today!
To anyone curious about the long period of radio silence on this project. Thus far all efforts have been disastrous. So far, we have lost the data files multiple times due to my wife's comp breaking, my comp breaking, both of our laptops dying as well, and the usb stick with the compiled data has gone missing. Pretty much it has been one piece of equipment failure after another. I have to say, the odds of completion at this rate are not looking good, but I'll see if I have it in me for yet another start from scratch. This message sent to you through, the public library, those are still a thing, visit yours today!
I would advise setting up something like GitHub or a simple Dropbox so you have cloud backups then. Both of those are simple and free options.
I'm not sure if this project is dead or not, but I have been playing around with the contraptions, and using the Wordcaster mechanic works as near as I can see. From what I can tell, they took Wordcasting and just re-skinned it to work for the schematics.