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pop-outs and/or de-docking


Well-known member
If these are covered already in "feature requests" , forgive me because my search terms are not pulling anything up.

It would be great for use-ability at the table to have one or both of the following features:

1. The ability to undock tabs from the main RW application and move those to independent locations on the desktop. This has been discussed in great detail elsewhere in these forums, and I understand that if this were implemented, that the nav pane might have to come along for the ride, but that would be OK if we had the ability to minimize the left nave pane and right side bar in the pop-out windows. The pop-outs would need to keep text re-flow properties as the window sizes were adjusted.

2. A new type of link or topic/article type or something that makes a simple hover-over pop-up instead of the need to fully navigate to that topic/article. This would be awesome for quick reference information like spell descriptions, game mechanics, etc. where the amount of information is small and only needed for a few moments. This could keep the tabs in RW from getting out of hand while running a game.

Thank you.
+1 support this. The current framework probably prevents such modern designs, but let's see what future holds. :)
Has been asked before afaik, but would still be great, so +1

And for the "can't be done with the current RW tech": the quick help notes are separete windows, so it can be done in some way.