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Please make it less clunky


New member
Good Day

I am liking HLO at the moment but it is massively clunky and fiddly to use.

Main issues -
  • Solarian Weapon Crystals are too hard to add - multiple steps when You get these in play/during scenarios - currently 4 to 6 screens to add it.
  • Attunement is messy. You need to click/change through 4 screens to alter this - something that happens at the beginning of my turn. My tables don't have time for this. And it's burried in the Bowles of a screen.
  • the combat screen does not show your weapons... thats on the equipment screen. So if I attack someone i need to go to equipment but when i am attacked I need to be on combat...
  • on your saves there is no indication that a save has other situational benefits - what happened to the asterix?
  • skills do not show any visual difference between trained only, class or non class - ironically if I print out a sheet it does.

HLO was pushed as making life easier tbh this system right now is more complicated and time consuming than other available options.
Thank you for your feedback! Our dev team is fixing bugs every day and working on new features to make life easier.