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PDF printing in Linux


Active member
I'm running Hero Lab Classic on Linux Mint, under WINE. I have the CUPS print to PDF package installed, but the option does not show up when I run the program. And I have no idea if installing the PDF plugin for HLC will work, because it's likely to be seen as a separate program install. Do I need to go to one of my other computers it's installed on just to generate a PDF of the character sheet? Or is there a way to allow the PDF option under WINE. The basic reaction that comes from doing a web search for answers comes down to "The Google! It does nothing!"
I think your best option is install the plugin and see if it works. It mostly exists to generate the PDF, and once that's done in HL you can save, then print with your own package.
I've been running HLC on Linux Mint for several years and the PDF plugin works fine. Start the install through the update option, if you get an error saying another program has something open and the install can't complete, close HLC then tell it to retry.
Sorry I forgot to update - did the install of the plug-in the same way I did the HLC install, and now I can deal with PDFs. Yay! *laugh*