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    - The Lone Wolf Development Team

Pathfinder RPG

I saw you press release in July 08 'the Pathfinder RPG will become available shortly after the release of the planned Beta edition, due out at GenCon Indy this August.'

I am also looking forward to PAthfinder RPG datadset. Do you have an ETA?
We were just discussing this yesterday and the plan is to have the Pathfinder RPG data files completed this summer. We're too small a company to spend our limited resources trying to hit a moving target while Paizo continues to refine the system during Beta. Once the system is finalized, we'll then get the data files completed. So our plan is to release the data files at the same basic time as when the finished product is released.
Steven D. Russell of Rite Publishing (http://www.ritepublishing.com/home.html) has made it no secret that he was able to purchase a special advance copy of the PF RPG Core Rules from Paizo.. So Clinton Boomer could write a Patronage Project for Rite Publishing (http://www.ritepublishing.com/coliseummorpheuon.html) with the new core rules.. in advance of the 2009 GenCon release.

So, my question to Lone Wolf Development, is why aren't you calling up Paizo and asking if you can buy a copy of the Core Rules now.

I'm sure they'll want an NDA, because they don't want the rules leaked before the August 13th GenCon Release Date.. But you could be working behind the scenes right now in anticipation of that date..

Because it's not like Rite Publishing is that bigger a company that Lone Wolf Development. And you don't know, if you don't ask.
Quoted from the Paizo Forum

In order to qualify for early access, you'll need to meet the following criteria:

1. You must agree to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility License.

2. You must be an active publisher with print products currently available through Alliance Game Distributors and/or electronic products currently available through paizo.com.

3. You must agree to a Nondisclosure Agreement covering the Core Rulebook and the Bestiary.

(Paizo reserves the right to additionally qualify or disqualify parties at our discretion.)

The following companies have already been identified as meeting the first two criteria:

0one Games
DragonWing Games
Dreamscarred Press
Expeditious Retreat Press
Fat Dragon Games
Louis Porter Jr. Design
Necromancer Games
Open Design
Radiance House
Reality Deviant Publications
Rite Publishing
Sean K Reynolds Games
Tricky Owlbear Publishing

My guess is clause#2 "You must be an active publisher with print products currently available through Alliance Game Distributors and/or electronic products currently available through paizo.com."

Yes there was an NDA, the cost of the print copy and its shipping as well (Oh yeah and Boomer has that copy not me, and yes he signed an NDA).

And Rite Publishing is a micro publishing house doing only pdfs and print on demand, and it is not my day job. Everyone who works for us are free lancers. So its not hard at all to be bigger than Rite Publishing.

I would want to take a close look at the Licence to see if it allowed for data sets to use the Compatiblility Logo. (I am not a lawyer.)

First and foremost, there was no allegation of wrongdoing being leveled at you or Rite Publishing. You haven't stated specifically that you feel there was one.. yet you're explaning yourself. In detail. In your first post. Welcome to the boards.

Just in case (and to put my own mind at rest), nobody called foul on you or Paizo. It's simply a case of, "That's a good idea, why doesn't Lone Wolf Development explore that possibility too."

And there's nothing wrong with that, is there?

Quoted from the Paizo Forum

My guess is clause#2 "You must be an active publisher with print products currently available through Alliance Game Distributors and/or electronic products currently available through paizo.com."

Well, that's good news then! Lone Wolf Development does actively have an electronic product available through Paizo.com


Heck, somebody (not me) gave it a nice review.

Anyway, thank you for setting the story straight and finding the early criteria policy.


Speaking now to Lone Wolf,

All I'm saying is that is possible to obtain an advance copy. Lone Wolf could possibly meet the criteria, as there's nothing obviously precluding it.

As a Lone Wolf Customer and a Paizo customer, I'm interested in seeing support for the system as soon as possible. It might be that your current work schedule doesn't permit any development time during July and August. If that is the case, so be it. I'll just have to wait or explore whatever option is available.

However it doesn't hurt to point out the possibility, and ask you to consider it.
Sorry I did not take your post that way, I just like to be clear,

I was really just happy someone knew who we were :)

What I was also pointing out is in my reading of the Pathfinder compatibility licence it does not allow for software (again I am not a lawyer).

Relevant section:

.....to use the Compatibility Logo in printed books, electronic books, and freely available websites in connection with products that are compatible with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game......

They can use the OGL and provide the data sets but I don't think they qualify for the Logo and therefore cannot get an early copy (again not a lawyer and could be completely and utterly wrong.)
Hey guys,

We already have two copies of the Pathfinder RPG rulebook, and we've been working on the data files for a few weeks now. We waited until everything was finalized at Paizo so that we weren't trying to hit a moving target. Once everything was nailed down, we ordered the books and got to work. Our goal is to have Pathfinder data files completed in time for the game's official release at GenCon. It's going to be tight, but we think we can do it.

FYI, Paizo accepted our request for authorization quite happily, knowing exactly what we're working on and why we wanted the copies. So I don't envision any problems with us being able to utilize the logo. That being said, we're discussing a few minor items with Paizo now to officially clear up any possible issues that could arise.
Will the standard d20 and the Pathfinder data sets be separate?

Yes, they will be. There are some fundamental differences within Pathfinder and, as the system evolves, those differences will simply increase over time. At that occurs, it will become harder and harder to maintain one set of data files for both game systems. So we are splitting Pathfinder off on its own in order to best support it's evolution in the years to come.
Awseome News!

Thank you Lone Wolf team for getting Pathfinder into your product asap. I plan on starting a campaign as soon as I get the books and having your support at my table will be invaluable.

Edit - Will we be able to preorder the dataset?
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Will we be able to preorder the dataset?

Unlike some other companies, we prefer not asking people to pay for something before we can actually deliver it. We prefer just the opposite, which is why we make the demo mode available for all of our products, allowing customers to fully tinker with the product before plunking down their hard-earned cash. Consequently, we won't be accepting preorders for the Pathfinder dataset.

But you can definitely keep that money earmarked for it! :-)