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Pathfinder Community Packs

I guess I need to work on better documentation. Sorry all I am tired and it was 20hrs this weekend to get this stuff out the door.

Each "Pack" contains everything it needs now. So in example the "GM Mythic Pack" is a COMPLETE package as it contains the Basic Pack and the GM Pack. So if you want Mythic you install just the one Pack now.

If you need just 3PP stuff when you install the 3PP Pack you get the Basic Pack and the PFS stuff also. This allows me to create a "base" to work from (ie Basic Pack) and then it is included in everything else.

So the idea is most people can get away with a single pack. Maybe a few if they need Eberron, 3PP, and GM stuff.

Many others I think will just be using the Basic Pack as players or the 3PP Pack which gives Psionics and the Basic Pack.
Sounds good. Thanks for all your hard work!

I'm sure you'll get it figured out. It might take a bit of Pack juggling before everything fits together.
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Question about the new pack structure. Currently I have just the Basic Pack loaded, but we have a new campaign coming up that is going to be using Eberron and Psionics, so I'm going to be loading up those soon.

Now, since the other packs contain everything in the Basic Pack, does that mean that when the Basic Pack updates, I only need to worry about downloading it if (at least one of) the other Packs didn't?

(At least I don't need the GM or Mythic Packs - yet.)
Error loading packs.

I got the following packs installed Campaign, 3PP and GM (in that order). I get the following load error:

The data files could not be loaded due to errors. Hero Lab will now attempt to load them in recovery mode. Once loaded, you can access the editor as normal to correct any errors.

The following errors occurred:

Thing 'minHrsHrac' (Minion) - Bootstrap thing 'triS2ComRi' does not exist

I meet all the content requirements to use the packs....please help!

P.S., this is a clean install
Question about the new pack structure. Currently I have just the Basic Pack loaded, but we have a new campaign coming up that is going to be using Eberron and Psionics, so I'm going to be loading up those soon.
Loading these in Windows/Mac should be perfectly fine. Its only iPad that is having issues with multiple packs.

Now, since the other packs contain everything in the Basic Pack, does that mean that when the Basic Pack updates, I only need to worry about downloading it if (at least one of) the other Packs didn't?
Oh good question!

When the Basic Pack updates that means a new version will go out for EVERY other Pack. This is because everything is built upon the foundation of the Basic Pack. So the release notes for the 3PP Pack may just say "Basic Pack" updated. So you would need to look at the Basic Pack notes to see what really changed/added. :)

I am not sure yet but I may roll into a release schedule of every Third/Fourth day of the month. This would put me a few days out after LW releases there monthly update. That would give me time to fix any issues that come up from an official Pathfinder release. *NOTE: This is not set in stone. It depends on how well this works out time wise and how much faster using GitHub makes things.*
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I got the following packs installed Campaign, 3PP and GM (in that order). I get the following load error:

The data files could not be loaded due to errors. Hero Lab will now attempt to load them in recovery mode. Once loaded, you can access the editor as normal to correct any errors.

The following errors occurred:

Thing 'minHrsHrac' (Minion) - Bootstrap thing 'triS2ComRi' does not exist

I meet all the content requirements to use the packs....please help!

P.S., this is a clean install
Looking into this. But trS2ComRi does not exist in the Community Files it exists in a individual download of PFRPG_AnimalCompanionArmorRAW.user from d20pfsrd. I also can not find minHrsHrac in any file. Hmmm

So here is my guess that you had PFRPG_AnimalCompanionArmorRAW.user installed at one point which overrides the Combat Riding trick. You then made a new "minion" creature yourself with a Unique ID of "minHrsHrac" which bootstraps the Combat Riding trick.

So you have two choices:
1) Download "PFRPG_AnimalCompanionArmorRAW.user" from d20pfsrd and place it into your programData\herolab\data\pathfinder folder.
2) Open the editor to your custom minion with a Unique ID of "minHrsHrac" and click on the "Bootstrap" button in the top right corner. Change the bootstrap of "triS2ComRi" to be "triComRide". Save your changes and restart HL.
Thanks you!

You helped me narrow it down. Adding that file fixed it. I thinks it was a character I had that was referring to the missing file or some other user file that I put in the path folder and forgot to remove as I wanted to check the install before adding my user files.. Stuff hasppens but thanks again Shadow!
The installer does not move all the files correctly on some peoples machines. Install it again.

I am really SORRY but the installer does not like moving this many files around. Please Run the Installer SEVERAL times to get it to correctly install these changes. Not everyone needs to but anyone with "Duplicate record encountered" should do this.

I keep getting duplicates of the gm mythic pack no matter how many times I keep installing.

The data files could not be loaded due to errors. Hero Lab will now attempt to load them in recovery mode. Once loaded, you can access the editor as normal to correct any errors.

The following errors occurred:

File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP073 - The Worldwound Incursion.user (line 4) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('pAP73BrkLg')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP074 - Sword of Valor.user (line 3) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('raAP74SCBt')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP074 - Sword of Valor.user (line 11) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('raAP74SCrJ')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP074 - Sword of Valor.user (line 20) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('raAP74SDmc')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP074 - Sword of Valor.user (line 42) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('raAP74SMyB')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP074 - Sword of Valor.user (line 65) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('raAP74ExEn')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP074 - Sword of Valor.user (line 76) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('raAP74ExPM')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP074 - Sword of Valor.user (line 88) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('raAP47ExSB')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP074 - Sword of Valor.user (line 99) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('raAP74ExSh')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP074 - Sword of Valor.user (line 111) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('raAP47ExSD')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP075 - Demons Heresy.user (line 3) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('pAP75Arues')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP075 - Demons Heresy.user (line 27) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('raAP75ArPR')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP075 - Demons Heresy.user (line 100) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('pAP75Xanth')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP075 - Demons Heresy.user (line 108) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('raAP75XnCn')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP075 - Demons Heresy.user (line 113) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('raAP75ArIv')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP075 - Demons Heresy.user (line 120) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('raAP75ArRd')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP075 - Demons Heresy.user (line 141) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('pAP75Jerri')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP075 - Demons Heresy.user (line 147) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('raAP75JeCS')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP076 - The Midnight Isles.user (line 8) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('raAP76BapD')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP076 - The Midnight Isles.user (line 45) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('pAP76Minag')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP076 - The Midnight Isles.user (line 55) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('pAP76Hepza')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP077 - Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth.user (line 8) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('raAP77YlCj')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP077 - Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth.user (line 16) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('raAP77VRej')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP077 - Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth.user (line 30) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('raAP77ChaD')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP077 - Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth.user (line 44) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('raAP77Evas')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP077 - Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth.user (line 50) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('raAP77WBrW')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP077 - Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth.user (line 66) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('raAP77WCrB')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP077 - Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth.user (line 78) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('raAPWICha')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP077 - Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth.user (line 85) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('pAP77FthWm')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP077 - Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth.user (line 103) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('raAP77WEnD')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP077 - Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth.user (line 129) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('pAP77Verbo')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP077 - Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth.user (line 146) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('raAP77PUEP')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP077 - Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth.user (line 160) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('raAP77PUPU')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP077 - Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth.user (line 172) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('raAp77PURg')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP077 - Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth.user (line 183) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('raAP77PUID')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP077 - Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth.user (line 200) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('pAP77PoolU')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP077 - Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth.user (line 217) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('raAP77PURc')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP077 - Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth.user (line 227) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('raAP77TrkC')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP077 - Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth.user (line 233) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('pAP77Inger')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP077 - Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth.user (line 246) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('raAP77IgrA')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP077 - Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth.user (line 275) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('raAP77SmkB')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP077 - Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth.user (line 289) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('pAP77Igram')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP077 - Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth.user (line 299) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('raAP77IgrS')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP077 - Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth.user (line 361) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('raAP77IgrD')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP077 - Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth.user (line 372) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('rAP77Heral')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP077 - Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth.user (line 568) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('raAP77GlvM')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP077 - Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth.user (line 598) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('raAP77HInf')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP077 - Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth.user (line 605) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('raAP77MzGz')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP077 - Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth.user (line 616) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('raAP77RepF')
File: COM_GMMythicPack_AP077 - Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth.user (line 624) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('raAP77SmIo')

Should I be reinstalling all the feb 1st updates, or just the mythic?

EDIT Deleting everything only reinstalling both the mythic and 3pp seemed to fix it.
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I keep getting duplicates of the gm mythic pack no matter how many times I keep installing.

Should I be reinstalling all the feb 1st updates, or just the mythic?

EDIT Deleting everything only reinstalling both the mythic and 3pp seemed to fix it.
Glad its working. I made a tweak to the GM Mythic Pack and it should now install correctly for anyone else. Sorry! :(

Also note going forward you just need to download new versions of the GM Mythic Pack only. :)
I've got a character in Wrath of the Rigtheous and when I load him I'm getting a message "pick 'iCBRadianc' has been orphaned due to missing thing in batch 886".
I've got a character in Wrath of the Rigtheous and when I load him I'm getting a message "pick 'iCBRadianc' has been orphaned due to missing thing in batch 886".
That is the Community Created version of Radiance that I built as it has a user option to auto-increase itself as its powers are unlocked.

I just double checked and it is in the Basic Pack. So I am going to assume either you don't have one of the "New" packs installed or its giving an error as soon as you start Pathfinder. That causes HL to go into safe mode.

So do the following:
1) Go to "Tools->Manage Third Party Updates" and tell what displays here.
2) If you are getting ANY message as soon as you start HL then right click and copy it and paste it here.
Getting this message

I'm getting this error message I have reloaded several times and this is the only error I get.

The data files could not be loaded due to errors. Hero Lab will now attempt to load them in recovery mode. Once loaded, you can access the editor as normal to correct any errors.

The following errors occurred:

File: PFRPG_PlayerPack_Sources.1st (line 21) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcHideDei')
Module Data Files Missing

All I have is the basic pack installed. I removed all 3rd party updates and re-installed the Basic Pack (V3.4, 82 files) and when I open my characters i get the following:

"one or more required sources are not accessible for hero 'Insert name here'. Subsequent errors may be the result of this problem.
Critical information not found in the data files: Source "Broken Chains"
Critical information not found in the data files: Source "Crypt of the Everflame"
Critical information not found in the data files: Source "Master of the Fallen Fortress"
Critical information not found in the data files: Source "No Response from Deepmar"

I apologize if this has been addressed already, but what can I do to fix this?
I'm getting this error message I have reloaded several times and this is the only error I get.

The data files could not be loaded due to errors. Hero Lab will now attempt to load them in recovery mode. Once loaded, you can access the editor as normal to correct any errors.

The following errors occurred:

File: PFRPG_PlayerPack_Sources.1st (line 21) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcHideDei')
I have corrected the Basic Pack to take into account this old file. Please download one more time and you should be good to go. Sorry! :(
All I have is the basic pack installed. I removed all 3rd party updates and re-installed the Basic Pack (V3.4, 82 files) and when I open my characters i get the following:

"one or more required sources are not accessible for hero 'Insert name here'. Subsequent errors may be the result of this problem.
Critical information not found in the data files: Source "Broken Chains"
Critical information not found in the data files: Source "Crypt of the Everflame"
Critical information not found in the data files: Source "Master of the Fallen Fortress"
Critical information not found in the data files: Source "No Response from Deepmar"

I apologize if this has been addressed already, but what can I do to fix this?
So these Books/Modules use to exist in the Community Player Pack but I removed them as they actually didn't have any Player stuff.

So to clean this up is pretty easy. Just open your character again and press OK through the message and go to "Portfolio->Strip Missing Sources". Save your character and you are good to go. :)
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I updated FAQ#6 with an easier way to do a clean install. So if you run into any issues removing all the old Community packages and any "new" Packs first will make things go smoother. Then just download and install the Pack or Packs you need.
All good now

Downloaded again and works great, thanks for all that you do for us, makes a great resource even better.
That is the Community Created version of Radiance that I built as it has a user option to auto-increase itself as its powers are unlocked.

I just double checked and it is in the Basic Pack. So I am going to assume either you don't have one of the "New" packs installed or its giving an error as soon as you start Pathfinder. That causes HL to go into safe mode.

So do the following:
1) Go to "Tools->Manage Third Party Updates" and tell what displays here.
2) If you are getting ANY message as soon as you start HL then right click and copy it and paste it here.

At Manage Third Party Updates
I've got
Pathfinder GM Pack V3.0
Pathfinder GM Mythic Pack V3.0
Pathfinder Campaign Pack V3.2
Pathfinder 3PP Pack V1.2
Pathfinder Basic Pack V3.4

I'm not seeing any errors Loading herolab or loading Pathfinder.
At Manage Third Party Updates
I've got
Pathfinder GM Pack V3.0
Pathfinder GM Mythic Pack V3.0
Pathfinder Campaign Pack V3.2
Pathfinder 3PP Pack V1.2
Pathfinder Basic Pack V3.4

I'm not seeing any errors Loading herolab or loading Pathfinder.
So the GM Pack is inside the Mythic Pack so its just a doubling of files. And then the Basic Pack is inside of all those other Packs. I don't think it should cause issues have them all other than waste of bandwidth to keep updating them all. I did testing before but I do wonder if this specific file is being affected by have ALL the Packs installed. Hmmm

So you could delete the GM Pack and Basic Pack. And then download the GM Mythic Pack one more time and let it install. See if that causes the Radiance sword to show up correctly. If that works let me know so I can see about trying to duplicate the issue. If I can duplicate it I should be able fix it then.