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Pathfinder Bug Reports - Version 6.18

Spell Adjustment - Perceive Cues

The Spell Adjustment for "Perceive Cues" has the wrong text description showing for it. It actually displays the description for the 4th lvl Paladin spell Oath of Peace. On the plus side, the game adjustments do appear to be correct for the spell Perceive Cues.
Pathfinder Society Magus Bladebound Error

When a magus has the bladebound archetype and reaches third level when using point buy (high: 20pts), the abilities tab shows a validation error. Although all 20 available points have been selected, the error shows that there are only 13 points spent.

Remove the blade bound archetype and the error goes away.
Boon Companion Feat - Working as intended?

So I tried making a lvl 2 Wildblooded Sylvan Sorcerer with the boon companion feat.

The Sylvan Sorcerer archetype gives you an animal companion at LVL -3 min 1. The boon Companion feat increases that lvl by 4 max of your hit die. It should have been maxed, with a lvl 2 Sylvan Sorcerer having an animal companion as powerful as a druid of their level (3 HD).

It defaulted my animal companion to 2 HD. I know I can manually add a hit die but... it doesn't seem like it is working as intended.

I didn't check but it might have the same problem with the Mounted Fury Barbarian Archetype.

It would appear the Prodigy feat is not correctly scaling. Once skill ranks become >= to 10, it should be applying a +4 bonus, just as "Scholar" properly does.
Configure Hero -> reset the stat selection to "Pick / roll ability scores" and starting cash is empty, the value is still in the top.
Ranger archetype Trapper (arRgrTrapp) does not appear to modify the class name in the same fashion as most other archetypes.
Well, it looks like someone broke the Strength modifier to damage for composite longbows which have one.

This is affecting both a 1st level PC with a composite longbow Str+2 with a 14 Str; and a 12th level PC with a composite longbow Str +3 with a 16 Str.

The attack values are correct, it is only not including the Strength bonus to damage.
Adopted trait

Right now, the Adopted trait is not quite right. I have it for my Tengu character and I have chosen Etymologist as my Racial trait.

It is still wanting a racial trait for Adopted and is saying I can't chose two Social traits. Adopted would allow me to choose any Racial trait, even though it would result in two social traits chosen (Adopted and Etymologist)

Is there anyway that this trait can be changed so that the chosen racial trait is a part of adopted (like the feat Cosmopolitan has two skills turned into class skills) instead of being chosen as an addition choice in the traits field?
Gnomes of Golarion, pg 15 - the Etymologist trait is a Social trait that requires you to be a Gnome. It is not a racial trait.

So, Etymologist + Adoted = two social traits.
Bracers of Armor +4 and touch, incorpreal attack

My character has Bracers of Armor +4, with the following description:

These items appear to be wrist or arm guards. They surround the wearer with An invisible but tangible field of force, granting him an armor bonus of +1 to +8, just as though he were wearing armor. Both bracers must be worn for the magic to be effective.

He is facing off against a Spectre, who attacks with his incorporeal touch, which states:

An incorporeal creature’s attacks pass through (ignore) natural armor, armor, and shields, although deflection bonuses and force effects (such as mage armor) work normally against it.

Herolab is not registering the PC's TOUCH AC as having these Bracers on. Is this the reason because the Bracers act as armor,and thus give no touch bonus? The incorpereal touch says force energies are not bypassed, and the bracers specifically say they are a field of force...
Ranks 6
18 Charisma for a +4
Skill Focus Diplomacy +3
Extremely Fashionable Trait for Class Skill and +1 Diplomacy (+4 total)
Thrush Familiar +3

But the program says +16? How do I go in to check what modifiers are being applied to a skill?
Hello... I had posted this in the previous thread, and was asked to re-post if it persisted after the next update.

Issue: When viewing the "Adjust" tab, there is inconsistent behavior compared with the Tactical Display.

Specifics: Adjustments do not all have an "x" button to remove them. Which ones do and do not is not consistent between the Adjust tab in the main window and the Tactical Display's pop-up window for the same character.

Example: Added 4 "Other Adjustments" to one character (Ability Score Damage, Ability Score (Permanent), Armor Class, and Saving Throw). These are arranged in both windows as 2 rows of 2 items (same arrangement in both); however, the "top row" entries on the "Adjust" tab of the main window have no "x" button to remove them while the "bottom row" entries do. In the Tactical Display's pop-up for the character, the situation is reversed; the "top row" has the "x" buttons to remove the adjustments, while the "bottom row" entries do not.

In the attached screenshots, I have added red circles around the "x" buttons I mean.


  • HeroLab Adjustments Bug Report.jpg
    HeroLab Adjustments Bug Report.jpg
    85.1 KB · Views: 14
I'm having issues with opening portfolios after the update. One works normally the second crashes Hero Lab every time.

I'm unsure what information to post to help trouble shoot.
Books: CORE, APG
Thing: Urban Ranger Archetype (thingid.arRgrUrban).

Tag 'ClassSkill.skHandAnim' not defined
Location: 'eval' script for Component 'BaseVary' (Eval Script 'Most Archetype Changes') near line 81

Also it appears that Urban Ranger is no longer sourced to the APG.

1) New character pick class Ranger.
2) Add Archetype "Urban Ranger" and you get the above error message.

Note: I did test in a data set with no .user files loaded.
Gnomes of Golarion, pg 15 - the Etymologist trait is a Social trait that requires you to be a Gnome. It is not a racial trait.

So, Etymologist + Adoted = two social traits.

"Although the traits presented below are broken into several defferent categories, all are considered gnome racial traits."

A couple sentences below ... "(Of course, a character of a different race could still select a gnome racial trait if she has the Adopted trait...)"

I have that trait to essentially take the place of the Adopted trait.
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My character has Bracers of Armor +4, with the following description:

These items appear to be wrist or arm guards. They surround the wearer with An invisible but tangible field of force, granting him an armor bonus of +1 to +8, just as though he were wearing armor. Both bracers must be worn for the magic to be effective.

He is facing off against a Spectre, who attacks with his incorporeal touch, which states:

An incorporeal creature’s attacks pass through (ignore) natural armor, armor, and shields, although deflection bonuses and force effects (such as mage armor) work normally against it.

Herolab is not registering the PC's TOUCH AC as having these Bracers on. Is this the reason because the Bracers act as armor,and thus give no touch bonus? The incorpereal touch says force energies are not bypassed, and the bracers specifically say they are a field of force...
They don't affect your Touch AC. They affect the touch attacks of incorporeal creatures. A corporeal creature is not stopped by them.
Books: APG
Thing: Twilight Knife spell adjustment (thingid.pTwilightK)

The twilight knife weapon (thingid.wTwilightK) is not adding in the BAB of the character.

1) Make a new level 1 fighter.
2) Give a 16 Int score so we have a bonus of +3.
3) Add spell adjustment Twilight Knife. The weapon is added to the weapon tab but it has a attack bonus of +3 instead of +4.

Here is the line that is wrong:
~ Set attack bonus to use the new calculated value
hero.child[wTwilightK].field[wAttack].value = field[abValue].value
if changed to this it works:
~ Set attack bonus to use the new calculated value
hero.child[wTwilightK].field[wAttack].value = hero.child[Attack].field[tAtkBase].value + field[abValue].value
This way we add in the BAB and Int or Cha score to get a correct final value.

Sorry. :(