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Out of Clan Disciplines

At 01:20 PM 12/24/2007, you wrote:
IS there any way to have a character with an out of clan discipline pass a validation?
Are you trying to create a character with two or more dots assigned to out-of-clan disciplines?

According to the rules, you can select one dot in an out-of-clan discipline from the initial pool of three dots. The other two must be spent on favored disciplines of the clan. So that's what HL checks for in its validation. If you have only one dot spent on an out-of-clan discipline (or zero dots), you should NOT get any validation errors.

I just did a few quick checks and HL appears to be working correctly on this. If you're running into a specific situation where HL is doing things incorrectly, please let me know how to reproduce the problem on my end so I can get it fixed.

Or am I completely misunderstanding the question?
At 07:32 AM 12/25/2007, you wrote:
Well I've created a gangrel who purchased Auspex with XP after character creation
Ah! I was focused on creation, where HL is working correctly. It seems disciplines taken during advancement are applying the same logic as for creation and they need to be made exempt. This is now on the todo list to be fixed in the next update.
At 11:18 PM 2/17/2008, you wrote:
If I might make a suggesion, add the ability to ignore Pre-Requisite Errors
Turning off all prereqs on a blanket basis seems like a pretty big stick to me. Do you really want to turn them all off? Or are there certain ones that you want to disable? And in what situations would you want to turn them off? Please help me to understand so that we can better adapt the data files to do the sorts of things users want.
How does that help GM's who want to force you to follow the rules if you can just dismiss things?
Who is going to force the GM to look and make sure you not violating a Pre-Requisit? I could just as easily put it on a character sheet and do the same thing on paper, but that's not the issue here. My issue is I have learned an out of clan discipline (Auspex in this case) and I don't want to continualy see the error. I would rather dismiss it and see it only if I create other errors.
PsychoJon: I as a GM would /dislike/ the ability for my players to dismiss errors, it means that they can go and hide an error, I'm using this tool so that I don't have to triple check character sheets for inconsistancies, why would I want a player to remove the ability for me to do that? Especially for new players, this is a nessicary thing to happen, now if you had the pre-requisits to learn the out of clan discipline I don't see why it's showing up as an error, that is what you should be looking for.
The philosophy is that errors should be flagged to users, since the goal is to help players avoid mistakes. Errors only appear when you view the validation report, so they are pretty easy to ignore.

If you really don't want an error to be reported, you can use the Editor to create a copy of whatever you don't like and modify it to eliminate the error reporting.

In the case of Auspex being learned after character creation, that was an error in the data files themselves (which has now been fixed). This is a situation where the Editor comes in quite handy to fix these sorts of errors quickly if you don't want to wait for us to get them fixed in a bigger release of material.
