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Odd Background Behavior


Active member
So, in the background tab, I saw no backgrounds. I figured "Okay thats PHB stuff I need to enter."

So I go into the editor and create a new file with the Acolyte background.

I hit test, and there are 2 Acolyte Backgrounds listed. One is mine the other is clearly someone elses as it has more complete data in it.

I delete my user data file. And now I just have the PHB Acolyte showing.

But no other backgrounds.

Here are the official tutorials: file:///C:/ProgramData/Hero%20Lab/data/5e/authoring/5ededit.htm

Read those.

Or you could read the 3rd post on HERE.

That's enough for you to get started creating the missing feats. The process is the same for backgrounds. Just change to the background tab.

In any tab click the New (Copy) button and add something that exists already. That way you can copy what you see.
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