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No Enlarge/Reduce?

Working on a character that’s essentially a lawyer-friendly version of Groot (have a YouTube guide for it). And I’ve noticed that the Enlarge/Reduce spell isn’t in any of the spell lists. Any reason?
there is Enlarge/Reduce under the Specific Spell category of Adjustments. If you do not see it add the 5e community pack.
I can't find anything in the code that would hide it. I double checked the Wizard, Artificer, and Sorcerer and they all show it in their lists as expected. Do you have some homebrew source or weird .user files that are messing with it???
I've double checked every source in the Community Pack, all the various options, and even the base game without any Community Pack sources selected. Nothing is hiding the spell. It's included in the SRD, so it's not even one we programmed for the pack.

You've got something messed up on your end, unfortunately. Maybe reinstall Hero Lab and see if that makes a difference?
Sorry I’ve been gone for a while. Had tech issues to work out.

Did some double-checking, and noticed that while the spell is available if I plan to be a Sorcerer or Wizard, it’s not letting a Druid do so.
That's because it's not normally on the Druid's spell list. It's only added to the Druid through the Tash'a Cauldron of Everything Variant Spell Lists.

To use those, you need to enable them on your Hero. Go to the Configure Hero screen, scroll down to "Optional Rules," and select "Always Show Tasha's Variants Tab."

Then from that tab, add Class Variant Features and select the Expanded Druid Spell List. Enlarge/Reduce will then be on your Druid spell list.