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New Wood Elf Army Book


New member
I just got the wood elf army book, was wondering if there was a site that works on the development of the AB files.

That would be here...He's probably only just gotten the book himself so it might be a little while befor it gets to the files...However I don't know his policy on people helping code...
i dont have the book, only the 'preview army list' that went around a while ago. i think someone mentioned that they had put together files, so i will look into that...
I have the book and I have build a data file for myself, it doens't do any validation and many of the abilities and items don't have much if anything for a description but all the units are done, as well as spites, lore of Athel Loren and most of the magic items. I'm quite willing to share if anyone wants it, send an email to droidman@sympatico.ca.