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New Spell Component Type


Well-known member
Is there a way to define a new spell component type? I've gone through all the tabs in the editor, and I can't seem to figure out where to add that. Specifically, I'm talking about adding an entry to the list in the Editor where on a spell you click the Edit button and get the list of:

I'm not looking to add text to either of the material component or focus component, but to add a new entry to the checklist.
I can't tell if the issue in the below thread is what I'm running into, or if I'm doing something else wrong.

On a custom spell, I'm adding a new tag:
Group Id: Foo
TagId: Bar
Name: FooBar

And on compilation, I'm getting a Group 'Foo' not defined

If I add:
Group Id: sComp
Tag Id: Bar
Name: sCompBar

I get a Tag 'Bar' not defined
I couldn't ever find a way. Acquisitions, Inc. had a new component type, and I had to work around it. Check out those spells to see what I did. It wasn't great, but it's the best I could come up with.
I couldn't ever find a way. Acquisitions, Inc. had a new component type, and I had to work around it. Check out those spells to see what I did. It wasn't great, but it's the best I could come up with.

Ugh. Figures. Thanks for letting me know though, at least I can stop trying to figure it out now.