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New 7th ed 40k file error when loading


New member
Hi I'm getting this error after downloading and importing the newest 40k 7th ed file.

The data files could not be loaded owing to the following errors:

file: ne7macros.aug (line 1) - invalid character encoding specified - XML documents must be encoded in 'IOS-8858-1' encoding

Any idea whats wrong?
I'm getting the same error message---
Posting this from over at the AB40k site. This will allow the WH40k data files to load with 3.4

It looks like there is only 1 file that is causing this, which is ne7Macros.aug - by default this should be in the folder C:\ProgramData\Army Builder\data\AB40k7 on a Windows PC, but it may be located elsewhere depending on where the files have been installed. As a quick fix you can edit this file in a text editor, and change the first line from

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

This will allow the files to load in AB 3.4c. A fix has been submitted for next release, however it's possible that future edits may well only work in Army Builder 3.5 - this is out of the control of the AB40k team, and support for AB3.4 may be withdrawn at any time without notice.

Fix should be available in the next release which will be 1.17