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My .user Files


Well-known member

In this thread I list all the extra .user files I programmed. If someone finds something useful, take it (I found it a bit "hidden" to have them splitted up deep inside a thread - also please keep this thread clean ^^). Also if the authors of Hero Lab want to re-use some of my scripts/user-Files for future versions of Hero Lab -> feel free to it !!!

All themes use the Theme solution from Daphne Pfister, thanks for your work, Daphne!

And thanks to all who gave me programming hints for the scripts!

If anyone else also implemented some Themes feel free to post them in this thread to have everything in one place!

WizApp -> Wizard's Apprentice Theme
OtherThemes -> Infernal Prince, Knight Hospitaler, Chevalier, Mercenary, Sorcere Adept, Cipher, Treasure Hunter and Guttersnipe Themes
Noble -> Noble and Disgraced Noble Theme
Sohei -> Sohei Theme
FeyTrainer -> Fey Beast Tamer Theme

"Infernal Prince" does not count the +1 fire attack yet (anybody having a hint what I do wrong there, tell me in the other thread!)

Sorcere Adept: If you already have Ritual Casting, you don't get the two extra Rituals (I have no idea how to script this, anybody got an idea?)

UPDATE: Added Sorcere Adept, Mercenary, Treasure Hunter and Cipher to OtherThemes.user
UPDATE: Added Ritual Casting for Corcere Adept Feature which was missing
UPDATE: Some of the Skill-improving Features were missing, added them.
UPDATE: Sohei by mistake had a level 10 feature from Wizard's Apprentice included (copy+waste error ;-) ), I fixed this now. Also changed filenames of some themes to the naming scheme from Cryptoknight, be careful that you do not install the files double.


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As only 5 attachments per post are allowed, here comes the next:

Guardian -> Guardian Theme
Arcanist -> Bugfixed Arcanist Class to make the Cantrips choosable, like in the online character generation tool ("Arcanist II" in Hero Lab then)
Emp -> Bugfix for Elemental Empowerment ("Elemental Empowerment II" in Hero Lab then) and a Feat "Pyromancy Apprentice" (the School Apprentice did not include a possibility to choose the school, other schools unimplemented)
EvenMoreThemes -> Primal Guardian Theme

UPDATE: Added Primal Guardian.

Together with the two themes Daphne implemented: 17/106 Themes supported now.
If anyone needs a specific Theme tell me so I implement it with priority !!!

... to be continued...

EDIT: Just so nobody wonders, that over the next two weeks I am not doing any more Themes. I will be in holidays for two weeks now, will continue with the Theme implementation after my holidays!


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Note: I added my work to the site of Cryptoknight (http://hl4e.cryptoknight.org)

With his themes, and the one I did and the one Daphne did we are now at 94/106 Themes done.

The Themes HERE might be outdated, go for cryptoknights site for the most recent edits.

New: Noble Adept, Masked Lord and Ironwrought and Gladiator (should also soon appear on Cryptoknights site)

New: HealingPotion.user - correctly prices the Healing Potion ("Potion of Healing II") at 50 Gold instead of 1000 Gold (an item Slot Tag was missing in the original game files).


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OK, so the Masked Lord theme has an encounter power called Create Lord's Armor in the books, but it doesn't seem to have it in your theme...
Compare with the themes available on the site I maintain... I'm now done with a month of intense training, and trying to get back onto HL.

I plan to take all the updates that were posted to my site, and merge them into a "master" data file, and then publish that and let people download it without needing the downloader soon.
If you add http://hl4e.cryptoknight.org/updates.xml to your sources list you'll be able to download the 4e ruleset with data, bug fixes, themes, etc.

I would recommend renaming the existing 4e directory you have in c:\programdata\Hero Lab\data\4e before downloading it because there will likely be many many MANY conflicts if you use the existing system.