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More Support please


Well-known member
I would love to see more support for the World of Darkness, Especially adding the new Vampire Translation Guide into the system.
Unfortunately, it's probably down to fans to do it unless White Wolf feels like licensing the release. Glancing at the translation guide, it looks like it's for 2E to 3E and vice versa. I'm guessing you're wanting some of the Masquerade things translated into Requiem?
Ah... yeah, that's probably going to wind up being a fan effort, particularly since it basically looks like more or less straight data entry. If there were datasets for Masquerade and Requiem, there might be the possibility of a tool to try to auto-convert -- I know Colen discussed as much for Mutants and Masterminds before we told him it probably would not help that much -- but as it is, there's no real rules to change here, just a lot of text input. *wry grin* And when given the choice between releasing paying rules updates or doing data entry for products that are already released to update it for new material, they generally leave that to the fans.

It's actually something I could do fairly readily, much as I've done for Mutants and Masterminds, but of course, I lack the license and since I don't really play VtM or VtR currently, I have no particular drive to spend the $20 to get a license to do data entry for another fandom.

That said, if this is something you're interested in, you might consider stepping forward and doing a few entries on your own. It may inspire others. It's not hard work, in my opinion, just time consuming. I used to get datasets done during movies at home, or on train rides.
I might get to work on some WoD additions once I learn the system a bit better. Vampire and Changeling are both awesome, but Promethean needs some love since it's by far my favorite WoD line.
^_^ That would be wonderful. Just getting the text and stats in is 90% of the work. People are generally willing to help out for things like scripting or conditional text if you post on the forums.
yeah i'd like to see an update for WoD period. It has been months since the last update. Some new data from new books would be nice. I am starting to wonder if there will be any new data added.
I've been working on adding merits and devotions from the Nosferatu book, and it's giving me a headache.

For instance, I finally have the Merit, Unyielding Mask, added. It is either a 3 or 4 dot merit.

When a merit comes like that, rather than a 1-5 dot, to get the 3 dot, you are only supposed to pay 6 points, not 12, but Hero Labs keeps charging me 12 xp for the merit. Kind of disconcerting I'd say lol
I think the problem you are seeing is more of a White Wolf issue, or their parent company CCP. I know some folks over at WW, they all are great people, but since the acquisition by CCP its seems that the WoD world has taken a 2nd or 3rd seat behind other projects, i.e. the WoD MMO.

There also doesnt seem to be much chatter from the user community for WoD. i know several people that play WoD and i got them hooked on HL for it. but i agree, more data would be better for players and GMs.

this sort of thing is what happened for the D&D3.5 edition for HL. LW could only provide the information from the core books that are covered in the OGL. it took about a year of pushing to really rally the user community to start creating their own information and input the books not covered in the OGL. now D&D has a much larger fan base then WoD, but a lot of the work will need to fall on the WoD user community.

now the challenge, how to rally the WoD user community.
For instance, I finally have the Merit, Unyielding Mask, added. It is either a 3 or 4 dot merit.

When a merit comes like that, rather than a 1-5 dot, to get the 3 dot, you are only supposed to pay 6 points, not 12, but Hero Labs keeps charging me 12 xp for the merit. Kind of disconcerting I'd say lol

Hero Lab is actually implementing the XP cost correctly, per an official ruling from White Wolf. Please take a look in the FAQ for the WoD data files, which can be accessed via the Help menu. In there, you'll find the following entry:

Why is the XP cost of certain merits (e.g. Striking Looks) including the cost of intervening dots?

This ruling comes directly from White Wolf, and the calculations are being performed exactly as White Wolf specified to us. According to the ruling from White Wolf, when purchasing an increase in a trait that skips over intervening dots, those dots must still be paid for, just as if they existed for the trait. Consequently, to purchase the Striking Looks merit at 2 dots would cost 2 XP for the missing first dot plus 4 XP for the second dot. Similarly, to advance Striking Looks from 2 dots to 4 dots would cost 14 XP (8 XP for the fourth dot plus 6 XP for the missing third dot).

If you wish to use a different method for calculating the XP cost in your game, you can enter the appropriate cost adjustment when purchasing the merit. However, the cost being automatically calculated is in accordance with White Wolf's official ruling.
I would love to see more support for the World of Darkness, Especially adding the new Vampire Translation Guide into the system.

When we secured the license from White Wolf, they requested that we focus on Requiem and not Masquerade. So that is what we did. There are currently no plans to add official support for Masquerade, although the built-in Editor can be readily leveraged to add whatever additional content is desired - even if that content is adapted from Masquerade. If someone were to add that content, I'm sure White Wolf would have no problems with fans sharing their work with each other.
When we secured the license from White Wolf, they requested that we focus on Requiem and not Masquerade. So that is what we did. There are currently no plans to add official support for Masquerade, although the built-in Editor can be readily leveraged to add whatever additional content is desired - even if that content is adapted from Masquerade. If someone were to add that content, I'm sure White Wolf would have no problems with fans sharing their work with each other.

well it is still kind of supporting Requiem...It take the Masquerade abilties and updates them using Requiem rules.

I also find that funny, because their MMO coming out is based fully in the Masquerade setting...
you have to remember the MMO is coming from their parent company, CCP, and not White Wolf. So again WW is sort of out of the picture on a lot of their own stuff now. Even at gen Con last year, they didnt sell anything, no products at all. instead they had a lounge area where they talked about their upcoming convention in new Orleans.
you have to remember the MMO is coming from their parent company, CCP, and not White Wolf. So again WW is sort of out of the picture on a lot of their own stuff now. Even at gen Con last year, they didnt sell anything, no products at all. instead they had a lounge area where they talked about their upcoming convention in new Orleans.

Yeah I know, I was there... And Pissed about that.