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Monsters and NPC



How can I create monsters in HL ?

Same question for NPC who have no classes per se (like NPC in Monster Manual)
Thanks, very useful !

And how create a human NPC for example ?

At start-up select "Non-Player Character", or Portfolio (Menu Bar) > Create new Hero, and then select Non-Player Character. (Can use Cnt-K to change PC to NPC)
Race Tab: Select Human,
Class Tab: Choose a class, etc...

The NPC's in the back of the Monster Manual DO have classes, it just hasn't been stated in most cases what class was used, but you should be able to work that out. (Look at their HPs and HD for an idea of what class level they are.)
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Hello Dami,

I figured that out, but, in the monster manual :
- all NPC of medium size have d8 for hit dice, even fighters and wizards (see the archmage, page 342),
- proficiency bonus depends of the challenge rating only (which is not the same as the class level),
- the number of hit dice is not always the same as the numer of levels (the druid, page 346, has 5 HD but is a 4th-level spellcaster)
- the NPC have not all the class features (the same druid has not wild shape, for instance)

And it is the same in official adventures of WotC
Hello Dami,

I figured that out, but, in the monster manual :
- all NPC of medium size have d8 for hit dice, even fighters and wizards (see the archmage, page 342),
- proficiency bonus depends of the challenge rating only (which is not the same as the class level),
- the number of hit dice is not always the same as the numer of levels (the druid, page 346, has 5 HD but is a 4th-level spellcaster)
- the NPC have not all the class features (the same druid has not wild shape, for instance)
And it is the same in official adventures of WotC

Here's another way of doing it, which I think matches up more with the NPCs in MM...

Create a new Hero, make it an NPC. On the Race tab, select Race: Custom Monster. Then you can assign CR, HD, etc and add in the proficiencies, spell-casting and abilities/actions that you want. A human would be Type: Humanoid, and then the "Human" tag.