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[Modiphius 2d20] Star Trek Adventures

You are probably already aware of and working on it, but out of curiosity, are you dealing with the descriptions for talents on the character sheet?

I noticed a while back that the talents will show, and one or two words of the description, then it gets cut off on the character sheet. There is also no 'Long/Detailed Descriptions' option for the character sheets. (I can't remember if I brought it up before, either in my fixes or the text file for updates made. I did not have any clue how to fix this issue myself, although if I delved deep in one of the other game files I could probably find a solution.)
You are probably already aware of and working on it, but out of curiosity, are you dealing with the descriptions for talents on the character sheet?

I noticed a while back that the talents will show, and one or two words of the description, then it gets cut off on the character sheet. There is also no 'Long/Detailed Descriptions' option for the character sheets. (I can't remember if I brought it up before, either in my fixes or the text file for updates made. I did not have any clue how to fix this issue myself, although if I delved deep in one of the other game files I could probably find a solution.)
I noticed that last night when trying to fix a couple of other things. If I can get that figured out, I may go ahead and release an update.... Just figured it out. I will probably do an update later today. :)
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I had an inspiration last night. :)

Version 1.5 is now available . This adds Mixed Heritage as a species (separated at the top of the list) and allows for the proper selection of attributes based on species.

When Mixed Heritage is chosen as the species there will be a selection in the middle of the species tab where you select the appropriate species. However, before any attribute selection takes place, the button labeled "Add Traits" must be clicked. This will add the appropriate traits to the character and populate/make visible the attribute selections.

I'm also opening this up for anyone who wants to give it a whirl. :)

Add "https://www.dropbox.com/s/qnhleith4exfa1o/updates.xml?dl=1" to your update sources and this should allow you to fully use STA if you have the Authoring Kit/Savage Worlds data as part of your license. :)

Please! Please! Let me know your thoughts on this. :)

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I don't see any of your newest updates on the Github link I have, and that update source link doesn't seem to work for me. Unless I am doing something wrong with it.

Downloaded the file and added it to the game file folder, and added it to the sources list on checking for updates. Neither method worked.
I don't see any of your newest updates on the Github link I have, and that update source link doesn't seem to work for me. Unless I am doing something wrong with it.

Downloaded the file and added it to the game file folder, and added it to the sources list on checking for updates. Neither method worked.
My bad.

Seems I forgot to push my changes from my desktop to the repository. :( They're there now.

If you've added that as a source, try deleting the existing stadventures folder first, then look for the Star Trek Adventures listing in the updates list. You should see an entry "Star Trek Adventures (v1.5)" near the bottom of the list. If you see that, download it and that should update completely.

(see the attached Source Screenshot.jpg and Source Screenshot 2)

You may need to exit and restart after adding the source.


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Aesthetic issue: Traits appear to be auto-sorted alphabetically. This sometimes results in minor weirdness, especially with mixed species Traits. With the mixed species character, the Primary species should be listed first, with the secondary species listed second, even if it's not alphabetical. While B'Elanna Torres had her Human side as dominant, and thus would show up correctly as Human, Klingon, a character like Saavik, whose Vulcan half was dominant should be listed as Vulcan, Romulan. It automatically is sorted to Romulan, Vulcan.

Okay, Saavik might actually be Romulan, Vulcan because of her early childhood before she was found and raised by Spock and Sarek, but you see the issue.

Also, using the game's standard notation, Species Traits should show up first, with additional traits (Section 31, Cybernetic Limb, or whatever) showing up after the species Trait(s).
Gear Issue (Minor): Communicators and commbadges are two separate things, and should both be listed separately.

I run a late TOS-era game (2295), but allow a couple of TNG-era races since they were part of the Federation then (Trills and Betazoids, specifically), so I have both TOS and TNG eras checked when I create the character. When I give one of these characters a communicator, though, the program changes it to Commbadge because the TNG box is ticked, and this is not a good thing. It's not a major thing, to be sure, but it's not desired behavior.
Mixed Species (Aesthetic/ease of use): Once the traits are added and the attribute increases are unlocked, it would be helpful/more intuitive is the first two attribute boosts were labeled as Primary, and the third as Secondary. This is mostly for clarity; the dropdown lists have shown the correct attributes, but it's not as clear as it could be. Something like this would help:

"Attribute +1 (P): [dropdown]"
"Attribute +1 (p): [dropdown]"
"Attribute +1 (S): [dropdown]"
Aesthetic issue: Traits appear to be auto-sorted alphabetically. This sometimes results in minor weirdness, especially with mixed species Traits.


Also, using the game's standard notation, Species Traits should show up first, with additional traits (Section 31, Cybernetic Limb, or whatever) showing up after the species Trait(s).

I’ll see what I can figure out here. For someone with a Mixed Heritage, how should it display on the output?

Gear Issue (Minor): Communicators and commbadges are two separate things, and should both be listed separately.

I run a late TOS-era game (2295), but allow a couple of TNG-era races since they were part of the Federation then (Trills and Betazoids, specifically), so I have both TOS and TNG eras checked when I create the character. When I give one of these characters a communicator, though, the program changes it to Commbadge because the TNG box is ticked, and this is not a good thing. It's not a major thing, to be sure, but it's not desired behavior.
I’ll provide separate items for next release. :)

I’m considering redoing the Species and instead of not making them available in an era, simply flag them as truly valid in their appropriate era. That way you could add them with no issue and get a warning. Then, ideally you could add an adjustment to make them valid. Would something like that work?
Mixed Species (Aesthetic/ease of use): Once the traits are added and the attribute increases are unlocked, it would be helpful/more intuitive is the first two attribute boosts were labeled as Primary, and the third as Secondary. This is mostly for clarity; the dropdown lists have shown the correct attributes, but it's not as clear as it could be. Something like this would help:

"Attribute +1 (P): [dropdown]"
"Attribute +1 (p): [dropdown]"
"Attribute +1 (S): [dropdown]"

Noted. Easy fix. :)
Ok, the new files are working now. I decided to test out the Mixed Heritage and encountered a slight problem. Detlans have the option of also being an Empath, yet the talent is still showing as Betazoid only.

When looking at it with the intent to edit, I realized I wasn't sure exactly how to do that without breaking the file set. Is there a way to change all the species talent pre-reqs from the 'isspecies' to requiring the species trait instead?
Ok, the new files are working now. I decided to test out the Mixed Heritage and encountered a slight problem. Detlans have the option of also being an Empath, yet the talent is still showing as Betazoid only.

When looking at it with the intent to edit, I realized I wasn't sure exactly how to do that without breaking the file set. Is there a way to change all the species talent pre-reqs from the 'isspecies' to requiring the species trait instead?
I’ll take a look at that.

Actually, the #isspecies[X] macro (in the definition.def) now looks for the “CountsAsSpecies.X” tag, so you would just need to add that tag to whatever species for a talent or whatever to become valid. I could probably add something like a “ValidForSpecies.X” tag too if think that would be useful?
I’ll take a look at that.

Actually, the #isspecies[X] macro (in the definition.def) now looks for the “CountsAsSpecies.X” tag, so you would just need to add that tag to whatever species for a talent or whatever to become valid. I could probably add something like a “ValidForSpecies.X” tag too if think that would be useful?

So in order to change the Empath talent from Betazoid only to Betazoid or Deltan would be phrased how?

Also, the Nerve pinch, how would you change the damage CD from adding Security to adding whichever the higher discipline is of Medicine, Science, or Security?

If it is easier for you to simply make the changes and push out the newly edited sections, that would be fine too.
So in order to change the Empath talent from Betazoid only to Betazoid or Deltan would be phrased how?

Also, the Nerve pinch, how would you change the damage CD from adding Security to adding whichever the higher discipline is of Medicine, Science, or Security?

If it is easier for you to simply make the changes and push out the newly edited sections, that would be fine too.
You could change the expression to:
(#isspecies[spcBetazoid] + #isspecies[spcDeltan] <> 0)

Your second question is something I didn’t consider. :) I may need to add a DmgBonus tag or something of the sort...
You could change the expression to:
(#isspecies[spcBetazoid] + #isspecies[spcDeltan] <> 0)

Your second question is something I didn’t consider. :) I may need to add a DmgBonus tag or something of the sort...

Thank you, that is helpful...

While fiddling with it, I am not sure if it is just me or not, but I noticed that the Career Events are not adding the bonuses to attributes and Disciplines like they should (and did previously).

Edit: Hmm... changing the expression for empath broke the file set with an error of "Syntax error in 'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'talEmpath' on line 1 -> Tag 'CountsAsSpecies.spcBetazoid' not defined"

Edit of Edit: Ha! I spotted it now... there is no id in the species definition for Betazoid... (betazo)
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Ok, looks like that was just a glitch, but I also noticed something that has been partly bothering me for a while.

In the thing_disciplines.dat, you have the disciplines sorted alphabetically, instead of by section. (Command, Conn, Engineering, Medicine, Security, Science... instead of Command, Conn, Engineering, Security, Medicine, Science)

It doesn't really have much of an effect, except when someone decides to edit/create their own stuff and get the wrong label attached due to not realizing they may be different. (I know it would take forever to alter all the files to make corrections, just thought I would point out a possible issue for others to notice and deal with on their own.)

Also, I the career events issue was a minor glitch. It's working now, however, I did notice that at least one of the career events is adding a point to the wrong discipline. (Encounter with an Alien Being is adding to Command instead of Science.) I corrected that one in mine, but may have to go through all the events to make sure they are operating correctly.
You may also want to go through and double-check the ships stats. I noticed that at least the Oberth frame has the wrong stats for Structure and Weapons (1 point lower than should be).