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Missing bestiary for adventure specific monsters

I noticed that a number of enemies are missing from the Vault for a lot of adventures and adventure paths. Typically these are the enemies not listed in the back of the adventure, but on pages in certain chapters. Some bosses are also not included in the vault to import into a scene.

An example would be the Gang Trough npc on page 8 of the Agents of Edgewatch Part 3 Adventure Path All or Nothing. An example of a key npc character is Gage Carlyle and they are on page 88 of this same adventure path.

My gaming group has noticed this from Age of Ashes, Plaguestone, and now Agents of Edgewatch, and having to create custom npcs / monsters every time I come across these missing items in the vault is very time consuming. I thought buying the adventure path bundle was supposed to include everything in the book.