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Magical weapon alteration HELP PLEASE!!


I have a player that has been using a glaive as his weapon from level 1. he is now about to hit level 20. i want to give him a holy avenger version of the glaive, but I cannot figure out how edit the holy avenger to allow me to pick a glaive as the weapon. To be honest I would just like to be able to have it set up so that it is a "Holy Weapon" I could choose and then it would give me the choice list like it already does, but for any non-ranged martial weapon.

Can anyone help me get this cracked?
In the editor, under the Equipment -> Weapon, Magic tab, click "New (Copy)" and select the Holy Avenger.

Give this new version whatever name and unique ID you want. Under the Eval Scripts button, replace

      gizmo.child[gCustMagic].field[gItemExpr].text = #magicgearexpr[] & " & (wGroup.Sword)"


      gizmo.child[gCustMagic].field[gItemExpr].text = #magicgearexpr[] & " & (wCategory.Melee & wProfReq.Martial)"

Save and Test Now! and you're good to go.

EDIT: Also, just for the sake of it looking right, you'll wanna change the Base Item Restrictions field to say something like "Any martial melee weapon". This is purely text, not a matter of function.