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Language packs


Well-known member
Most of the RPG books are written in English. So it doesn't bother me, that Hero Lab uses English as well.
But most of my players - they prefer sheets in their native language (German in these cases). So I wonder whether its impossible to add a file which allows us to translate the printouts. (Just changing "Attributes" to "Attribute", "Combat" to "Kampf" and so on...)
Do you want this throughout the data files? Or only within character sheet output?

This is probably doable. It will entail a bit of work to the core engine, though, as there are currently no provisions for anything like this. Once we add it, then someone like yourself will need to actually setup the appropriate data files with the changes.

I'll put this on the todo list, but please provide me with more details regarding how you're expecting this to work.
(The more the better ... but I think you have more important things to do.)

I talked about the character sheet output.
The Editor makes it possible to translate a lot of details (by adding these details as "New Copy") already.
hi, any news of this? would be nice to see the character sheets translated :)

EDIT: I just realized that this was WOD subforum, i was thinking in all systems, or...M&M 3E to be more precise :)