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Khorne Daemonkin Error


The Bloodthirsters in the Daemonkin datafile are listed as having "Eternal Warrior" this is in error as no rule allows this.
40k files were just updated, this problem still persists. The file authors apparently do not care that there are errors, as is punctuated by a lack of response to most of the posts about incorrect files.
This forum is not the correct place to report errors in the 40k files. Bug reports posted here will not reach the 40k authoring team. Please use the link in this thread: http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=46245 to go to the site where the team who handles the 40k files coordinates their work.

That thread is stickied as the first post in this forum and named "Please report errors in the Warhammer 40,000 files using the link here"