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Joining Units


New member
My understanding is that with AB 3.0, if the files are created to use this functionality, you can add 2 units together in one 'group'.

Does the Warhammer file allow this? I haven't been able to connect 2 together and I haven't been sure if it's my poor mouse skills or if the file isn't set up to do this.
Strange as it is you can drag and drop multiple units into a single "squad"...Click and hold on the unit in the available list and drag down to the unit you want to connect it with...do NOT drop it on the squad name but rather under it...
I have accidentaly done this a number of times but I can't seem to figure out how to remove them from the unit short of deleting them and adding them all over again.

What is the purpose of this function, and can I turn it off?
You can drag the item back out. I drag to a blank space, and it's on it's own again.

The feature can be useful if you have a char lead a specific unit all the time.