Simple enough, new character, SWADE only for source. Go into the Character Info and deselect all of the check boxes under Time Periods for Equipment Access.
All of the following items will still show up under various spots. I went through and precluded to identify their ID.
Hand Weapons
Modern Lever & Bolt Action Rifles
Adventuring Gear
I kind of laugh at the thought that no matter what setting or era, there will always be fast food
All of the following items will still show up under various spots. I went through and precluded to identify their ID.
Hand Weapons
- Dagger wpDaggerSWADE
Modern Lever & Bolt Action Rifles
- M1 wpM1SWADE
- Sharps Big 50 wpBig50SWADE
Adventuring Gear
- Backpack eqBackpack
- Bedroll eqBedroll
- Blanket eqBlanket
- Candle eqCandle
- Canteen / Waterskin eqCanteen
- Crowbar eqCrowbar
- Flask (ceramic) eqFlask
- Grappling Hook eqGrapple
- Hammer eqHammer
- Handcuffs / Manacles eqHandcuff
- Oil eqOil
- Quiver eqQuiver
- Rope (10') eqRope
- Rope, hemp (20yds) eqRopeH
- Rope, nylon (20yds) eqRopeN
- Shovel eqShovel
- Soap eqSoap
- Whistle eqWhistle
- Saddle (Elaborate) eqElabSadd
- Saddle (Normal) eqSaddle
- Arrows/Bolts eqArrowsBolts
- Sling Stone eqSlingStnSWADE
- Clothing (Casual) eqClothNrm
- Clothing (Formal) eqClothFor
- Winter Boots eqWintBoot
- Winter Gear eqWintGear
- Fast Food Meal eqFastFood
- Good Meal eqGoodMeal
I kind of laugh at the thought that no matter what setting or era, there will always be fast food