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Is it ready yet?


Well-known member
So, as I look at the inactivity of the forums for HLO, I just wanted an update on things.

Can one use a portrait of a character that is from a paint file like in HLC?

Can one save Portfolios on the computer at home, or on an USB drive like HLC?

Can one print out a character sheet on Mozilla, the standard of browsers?

Can one use or make custom character sheet, like Ancient One's excellent sheet on HLC, with Starfinder yet?

Is there a way to use HLO in an offline mode when internet is not available?

Have there been a way to test this out without paying for it initially? (I have still not been able to log in using my HLC license)

Any information would be appreciated.
No; no; yes, but a basic one; no; no; yes.

Note that (as we've said in other threads) you don't use your Hero Lab Classic information at all with Hero Lab Online. You need to create a new account or (if you have one) use your Realm Works account info in order to try out the Demo. Make sure any extensions you're using aren't blocking the scripts/sites needed by the site.
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Everyone knows Lynx is the standard for Web browsers. If HLO can't be run in a text-only browser it isn't "ready" yet.
Jokes aside, Firefox is one of the browsers the site suggests when you visit with an unsupported browser so HLO should work in it as best it can.
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Can one print out a character sheet on Mozilla, the standard of browsers?
Yes. It’s a little more limited than other browsers produce but its not something LW can fix. The issue in the browser itself.

In all other ways Firefox works great for HLO and is my preferred browser with Safari on the iPad.

For a little nicer looking printed sheet I do use Chrome to create a PDF character sheet. Other than that I would advise against using Chrome as its too finicky of a browser and has strange issues in HLO. But its chrome and I never expect much from it anyways.

If I get the chance tomorrow I wil post an example sheet from Firefox.
So attached to this post is a printed sheet of a PC in my games. One done in Firefox and one done in Chrome. From what I can see all the information correctly appears on both sheets. The Firefox one I am sort of liking more now that I look again. I like the extra room and simple layout of info.

In a way this means that HLO is currently giving multiple layouts of character sheets allowing people to choose the one they like best. :)


Yeah, seems that Mozilla is putting everything in single boxes and stringing them out.

Does it look normal in IE? Edge?

So, why is the other stuff not in or able to be done yet? Is there other things that Classis can do that Online is never gonna be able to? Is there anything Online can do that isn't possible on Classic?

Has there been any word on if PF2 is going to be on Classic or regulated to the HLO instead?
Yeah, seems that Mozilla is putting everything in single boxes and stringing them out.
LWD chose that as a workaround for not being able to do the "normal" look in Firefox.

Does it look normal in IE? Edge?
Hero Lab Online doesn't work in IE at all. The print page looks like the Chrome one in every supported browser except Firefox-derived ones, I believe.

So, why is the other stuff not in or able to be done yet?
Not enough developer time and/or experience, presumably.

Is there other things that Classis can do that Online is never gonna be able to?
Hard to say "never", but "creating and/or editing characters while not connected to the Internet" and "creating completely new game systems" seem pretty unlikely.

Is there anything Online can do that isn't possible on Classic?
Again, "not possible" is hard to say, but at present Starfinder is only on HLO. HLO also works on other operating systems with current browser support.

Has there been any word on if PF2 is going to be on Classic or regulated to the HLO instead?
I doubt any new systems will be brought to Classic, though no announcements have been made as far as I know. The two most likely places to make those announcements (PaizoCon and Gen Con) are coming soon, so watch for more info.
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Firefox didn’t exist in the 90’s. I am a Firefox user.

Me too! My High school buddies used to tease me because I always just used IE since that was what was installed. Come on, install firefox, all the cool kids are doing it. And like a 90s PSA about the dangers of peer pressure I buckled. Good thing my friends were nerds rather than * insert preferred teenage clique to deride *!
The first thing one should do when getting a new computer is to get a working browser. That means something other than IE or Edge.

So, has anything improved yet? I would try it out but I can't without buying it.
...MS Edge has been shown to extend battery life by quite a bit when used on a laptop. https://www.windowscentral.com/edge-once-again-comes-out-top-microsoft-browser-battery-life-test

Shown by a MS test. From the same article, "It's worth noting that there are some caveats to these tests that will probably make them hard to replicate in real-world use."

Regardless of that, as stated by evdjj3j - you don't need to buy either version of Hero Lab to trial the software. If you want to see what HLO is like for yourself, don't buy/subscribe, try the demo.
Wish I could try it, but I can't with my current license.

Yeah, the M$ selfies are nice to advertise with, but real use begets frustration and fist waving as Edge and IE are behind on most things as the other browsers standards exceed them.