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Increasing Monk Ki

First time playing a Monk, I've been using HL to help me create the Monk. Some of the GM's houserules have been easy to get around (using D10 instead of D8 for HP) but the "Monks start with 4 Ki, not 2" is proving... problematic.

I can find where to add modifiers for just about everything - HP, Stats, skills, etc... but I can't find anywhere which would allow me to grant two extra KI points to my character.

Can anyone please point me in the right direction?
hero.childfound[trkKi].field[trkMax].value += 2

Easiest way to find something like this is to make a monk character. Go to Develop -> Enable Data File Debugging. Find Ki on the In-Play tab. Right click it. You'll see its ID listed at the bottom. Then click "Show Debug Field Histories for ____". Then you can see that the total Ki matches trkMax. Now you know the field to change.
hero.childfound[trkKi].field[trkMax].value += 2

Easiest way to find something like this is to make a monk character. Go to Develop -> Enable Data File Debugging. Find Ki on the In-Play tab. Right click it. You'll see its ID listed at the bottom. Then click "Show Debug Field Histories for ____". Then you can see that the total Ki matches trkMax. Now you know the field to change.

Thanks for the reply, but here's a newbie question: where the heck do I put that script line?
Easiest thing is to just make a new Adjustment, go to the Eval Script button, and paste the line. Under Phase, select Final. Save the file, reload your game system, and add the adjustment to your character.