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Improved Search


Well-known member
As I move things from the Story to the World Almanac, I keep wishing for the ability to search all, some or just one of the Almanacs (Mechanics Reference as well) in Search. The color coding mentioned here would be helpful as well in keeping these straight.
I just found this, as I was searching for "search". Am I correct in the conclusion I'm slowly coming to: there is no easy/real way to search through my Realm, other than to search for "Tags" (which I've not yet been able to do correctly)
Well, you can search in the Story Almanac if you're in the Alamanac itself, or the World Almanac, etc. Click the little magnifying glass. In the box, type the word or phrase in, then select the box labeled "Enable Custom Search Filtering Within Tab" and then press OK.
All searching/filtering shows the results as a list of matches within the navigation pane on the left. Since we only allow you to view one "axis" of your content at a time (articles, story topics, plots, etc.), the search results for that axis are the only thing visible. We currently have no way to view a merging of content across all the different axes, as this would (a) be jumbled for users and (b) result in an unwieldy list.

What's the benefit of having a single, merged list of all content? Clearly, you see one, but I'm not seeing it, so please help me understand here.

In the meantime, all the recent filters are saved in a history. You can view this history in the search/filter dialog and by right-clicking the magnifying glass instead of left-clicking it. So you can easily apply the same filter in another tab, which means you can view the Story Almanac in one tab, apply a filter, go to another tab to view the World Almanac, and select the same filter for application. It's definitely not a perfect solution for what you want, but it's better than manually re-entering the same search criteria multiple times and reduces the effort to a few extra clicks to do everything again in a second tab. :)
Thanks Rob.

Basically, my realm has gotten so large, and I'm mid-way through reorganizing my former Story Almanac entries over to World Almanac, but sometimes I forget which items have been moved. So I use the search option, but have to guess if something got moved over to World Almanac, or as you suggest, use another tab to search in that particular almanac.

Sometimes, there are items I haven't created yet, and those aren't found in either obviously. Either way, I'm rapidly entering, editing and moving content, so sometimes I lose track of where topics reside.

I guess what I'm envisioning is a quick search entry form that looks through the entire realm, and would show (with an icon or color coding) where that topic exists (I'd prefer World, Story Almanacs and Mechanics as well - plots aren't a big part of how I do things, but that's just me).
We need the ability to search for a topic by name whether it is in world or story almanac (can do without mechanics I suppose, but if you do cross-world/story, it would be easy, I'd think, to have articles too). This is formally a feature request for the ability to search for a topic name in the story and almanac. I understand the work-around, and that makes this a lower priority feature, but I'd still like to file the request anyway.
As long as we're improving searching and filtering, can we get phrases please? The "current filtering" doesn't "pay attention" to quotes.