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I'm confused

Maybe I missed the memo, but I can't seem to find an FAQ for HLO.

What I am trying to work out is:

1. What is the difference between demo and full version?
2. Confirm that it is $35 per player; no additional licences (at the moment)?
3. Confirm that only 1 device can be connected to an account at any one time?

My group is thinking of playing Starfinder once our current Pathfinder campaign ends. We all use HL and I have made good use of the additional licenses to ensure that each player is able to create/amend characters - I borrow family devices for my gaming session so each player has something to use.

If I don't have devices with active licences, I can still let others play by using HL (iPad) trial version. This just means that I need to do the actual updating of characters and then I save them to Dropbox for the players to download.

I can't see my group wanting to each spend $35, when in the past they have spent literally nothing (although they did pitch in to some of the data packages) previously. And the roadmap suggests that there will be more options available (hopefully) in the not too distant future.

It would be good to see what the various license/subscription options now and intended are. At the moment I am thinking that we stay away from HLO and see how it evolves over the coming months, but I like HL and have enjoyed the HLO beta, so don't want to be making an ill informed decision.

Again, I may have missed an email or link somewhere that gives me all the answers I need.
1. What is the difference between demo and full version?

I haven't used the Demo version, so I can't really answer this one.

2. Confirm that it is $35 per player; no additional licences (at the moment)?
The cost is $35 for the Starfinder Core Rulebook. This should include Starfinder Society and First Contact resources. It also comes with 180 days of server access. Ongoing there is a ~$2 month server fee. Alien Archive is currently available (though it is not complete) for $12.99.

3. Confirm that only 1 device can be connected to an account at any one time?
This is correct. Only one device can be connected at a time, though there is a slight delay after logging into a second device before the first is automatically disconnected. It has been mentioned that the developers are discussing options to increase this limit for family members who share an account.
I haven't used the Demo version, so I can't really answer this one.
Demo seems to be limited to one character level. Letting you make a basic character to try out the software/system. I think a few other areas like adjustments and stuff where locked down also in demo mode.
The cost is $35 for the Starfinder Core Rulebook. This should include Starfinder Society and First Contact resources. It also comes with 180 days of server access. Ongoing there is a ~$2 month server fee. Alien Archive is currently available (though it is not complete) for $12.99.

Once they incorporate other game systems, there is also going to be a one-time transfer fee (under $20, I think) to apply your existing licenses to HLO.

This is correct. Only one device can be connected at a time, though there is a slight delay after logging into a second device before the first is automatically disconnected. It has been mentioned that the developers are discussing options to increase this limit for family members who share an account.

Has this changed? The last I knew, they were going to allow as many concurrent connections as you had licenses. So if you had a secondary license, you could have two concurrent connections. A tertiary license would allow three concurrent connections, etc. Will this no longer be the case?
Has this changed? The last I knew, they were going to allow as many concurrent connections as you had licenses. So if you had a secondary license, you could have two concurrent connections. A tertiary license would allow three concurrent connections, etc. Will this no longer be the case?
Last I heard that is the "plan" but currently you can only have a single "license" for Starfinder. I think this is a future thing when they get to porting over Pathfinder as many players do have multiple Pathfinder licenses.
Last I heard that is the "plan" but currently you can only have a single "license" for Starfinder. I think this is a future thing when they get to porting over Pathfinder as many players do have multiple Pathfinder licenses.

I wasn't aware of this. Thanks!