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How would I do the following auto-calculation?


Well-known member
I'm entering a "Class Special" that the character can use the number of times equal to their Wisdom modifier (a minimum of once).

I set the "Charge Calc Attribute" to Wisdom.

But for "Automatic Calculations", I don't know what to select.

Say character has Wisdom mod of +3

I select minimum 1. But do not know what else to select.

1+Attribute Mod. would equal four charges, where I would want 3.

I don't know why there isn't a 0+Attribute mod or just Attribute mod.
I'm entering a "Class Special" that the character can use the number of times equal to their Wisdom modifier (a minimum of once).

I set the "Charge Calc Attribute" to Wisdom.

But for "Automatic Calculations", I don't know what to select.

Say character has Wisdom mod of +3

I select minimum 1. But do not know what else to select.

1+Attribute Mod. would equal four charges, where I would want 3.

I don't know why there isn't a 0+Attribute mod or just Attribute mod.

The tags you're looking for are "Attr Only" and "FinalMin1"
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Yeah, found (and raised) a bug with that - it's not showing any charges when the attribute is 11 or less (not something that is likely to be a problem, however).