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How to do this?


New member
I have a question. I and my buddy are running a Rome by night game. I am glad that is one of the books in the main list. We have started as mortals. As of right now however, we just had an oppsababy Embrace and 3 ghoulings. The question I need to know is how do I make the mortal characters ghouls and vampires. I am wanting to keep track of everyone's XP expenditures (call me crazy, I was a narrator for oWoD LARP and fell in love with Grapevine. I am wanting to keep track of this as well.

I have tried to go in to configure character and have tried to unlock the character. Is there a way to add derangements without dropping humanity, other than notes.

I know this is diverging from original issue but is there any other character sheets to download as well like a 2 sheet or something?
The data files were written with the assumption that characters would often start out as mortal and then acquire the supernatural template. However, there is a little bit of non-intuitiveness to the process. When a character gains a new template, he also gains a bunch of free stuff that isn't paid for with XP. Consequently, you need to do the following:

1. Unlock the character on the Advancement tab
2. Bring up the Configure Character form via the Character menu
3. Change the template to the new state
4. Assign the various free abilities that come with the new template
5. Lock the character again on the Advancement tab

At this point, you can resume tracking all the XP expenditures without any interruption. The new abilities conferred by the template are exempt, since they are treated as part of the character's initial creation.

There is currently no way to assign new derangements that aren't tied to humanity loss. We never thought of that possiblity and it didn't come up in our discussions and testing by White Wolf. I'll put this on the todo list.

There is only the one character sheet at this time. There are lots of different character sheets in use by various groups. Is there one in particular that you want to see us support?
I tried this and it is greyed out. I exported one of the characters that got changed. I tried to go to unlock the character (in this instance a Vampire) The Template is grayed out I am not able to change Size (she was a child so had Dwarf flaw) and Template.

As for the sheets, I think a 2 page sheet a la Mr Gone's sheets would be nice. It would allow for more information on the sheet.
I just confirmed that I managed to break the ability to add a supernatural template after initial character creation. :-( After creation, you should be able to change the template for a mortal character to a supernatural form. I'll have to fix this in the next update (targeted for next week).

However, the Size is *not* something that was expected to be changed after initial creation. Changes to advantages, traits, and whatnot after creation are generally expected to be handled via Permanent Adjustments on the Personal tab. That being said, I guess I could make it possible to change the Size after creation, but I'm not sure that's a good idea. I'm open to arguments regarding why I should make the change, so fire away.

Could you please send me a link to "Mr. Gone's" sheets? I'll take a look at them and see how much work would be involved to get them added.
On a simpler note, my group would simply like some way for the already existing sheet to wrap onto a second page so that all of the Rolls section actually prints out. As is the list seldom goes past the L's and when designing higher powered vampires with a multitude of Merits and disciplines it's in theory possible to even get to the point that all of your actuall abilities don't print let alone the rolls section.
Or even a sheet of JUST the rolls and expanded to include (Wits+Medicine) stat. My players seem to really like having the rolls section because they are new. (I didn't think it's a big thing because I generally say "roll stat+skill vs roll throwing" but I think it reminds them of things they can do.)

Oh, and it seems some rolls include specializations and some don't? How can we tell? What does the * (star) mean also?
On a simpler note, my group would simply like some way for the already existing sheet to wrap onto a second page so that all of the Rolls section actually prints out. As is the list seldom goes past the L's and when designing higher powered vampires with a multitude of Merits and disciplines it's in theory possible to even get to the point that all of your actuall abilities don't print let alone the rolls section.

You can select which rolls are/aren't included within the printout. Use the button that looks like a printer on the Rolls tab to toggle the state. Also, you can prioritize important rolls to the top of the list via the toggle on the left.

You're going to need to create one insanely powerful vampire to not fit everything on one page. During development, I used the mondo vampires in the back of the VtR book as tests, and they all all fit on one page. This includes princes and the like.

I'll see about letting the rolls flow onto a second page versus just adding a separate second page for the rolls.
Oh, and it seems some rolls include specializations and some don't? How can we tell? What does the * (star) mean also?

When the roll always includes a given specialization, then it is automatically added in the calculated total dice pool. For example, weapon dice pools will include specialization bonuses if they are unequivocal, such as using a Knife with specialization in "Knives".

If it's a situational specialization, then the star is appended as a reminder that a specialization *might* be applicable. For example, you'd get a star next to Hacking if you took a Computer specialization. It's then up to the ST to determine whether the specialization applied in a given situation, but the star is there to remind the player about the possibility.
Or even a sheet of JUST the rolls and expanded to include (Wits+Medicine) stat.

What is "(Wits+Medicine)" generally referred to as? Please point to it in one of the books and I'll get it added.

If this is an unofficial roll you utilize in your own game, you can easily add the roll via the integrated Editor. Just add your own "TraitRoll" entry.
What is "(Wits+Medicine)" generally referred to as? Please point to it in one of the books and I'll get it added.

If this is an unofficial roll you utilize in your own game, you can easily add the roll via the integrated Editor. Just add your own "TraitRoll" entry.

Oh sorry, I didn't explain that well :)

What I meant, IF you were able to change the sheet so it had more room (ie 2nd sheet), it would be nice as an option to print something like First Aid (Dex+Medicine) 5, vs just First Aid 5. Us newbies are always looking up those sort of things :)
What I meant, IF you were able to change the sheet so it had more room (ie 2nd sheet), it would be nice as an option to print something like First Aid (Dex+Medicine) 5, vs just First Aid 5. Us newbies are always looking up those sort of things :)

Sounds like I guessed correctly then. I added exactly that for the imminent update. :-)