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How to change the profile picture


New member
It does not appear i can change the profile picture on a character within HLO. Am I missing a button, or is that a feature for later?
That makes me feel a little bit better.

I guess it was something I expected to be a simple addition. I will look for it in the future.
It's definitely on our to-do list, along with a full stock art gallery to use for characters. We're tinkering with some ideas here of how much we want to pre-process images for cross-browser and multi-device support, what (if any) other arbitrary data we want to allow users to associate with characters, and that kind of thing.
Failing that I'd like an option to disable the profile picture altogether. I'm already tired of the stock iconic images for each race/class choice.
So, a simple pic to use for a profile is not possible yet? How long as this been worked on?
So, a simple pic to use for a profile is not possible yet? How long as this been worked on?

It isn't a matter of being worked on. There are many many updates being asked for and a finite number of resources to do that work. I am pretty sure, pictures are not a high priority in the scope of work being done.