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How do you enter Prestige Class in HL?


Well-known member
Hello All,
I can't seem to find the tab or method to create a prestige class option for my character. Where do I go to find out how, or does anyone wish to share?
Thank you
You can add new prestige classes from the Editor.

Tools Menu, Launch Editor.

From there, you want the classes tab. Create a new class, set the number of levels and hit die and other things there. New class options are added as Class Abilities. You can then add those abilities to the new class.

There are tutorials in the Editor's help files as well that you can use as a starting point for learning too. In addition there are community created youtube videos as well.

Welcome to Hero Lab.
Thank you, but are you saying that if I want my sorcerer to have the Prestige Class of Dragon Disciple, I would have to go through all of that? Isn't there a button available to select?
Thank you, but are you saying that if I want my sorcerer to have the Prestige Class of Dragon Disciple, I would have to go through all of that? Isn't there a button available to select?

No, that's to add a new class to the system.

To just add an existing prestige class like arcane archer or dragon desciple to your character, scroll down past the normal classes on the class tab, you add them like a normal class there. If they're not showing up, use Ctrl + K to bring up the config menu for the character and scroll down the list on the side to the option that enables them.

I've attached a screen shot showing them under Wizard.


  • Prestige Classes.JPG
    Prestige Classes.JPG
    106.6 KB · Views: 14
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That class is already entered into HeroLab. To add that to your character, you need to go to the Classes tab, and will be listed under the Prestige Class section. You can also type the name into the search box at the top of the class listing to help you find it.

No need to go into the editor at all.