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How do I add alignments to 5e?


Well-known member
Okay, so i read an article about using the MTG 5-color system instead of the traditional 9-Alignments for DND. i wanted to try it, so that they are a bit more freeform based on personality types rather than archetypes.

How does one go about adding them into the 5e rules using the editor? I can't find where they are located to create new ones

thanks ahead of time
Unfortunately, I don't think this is something you can do in the editor. As far as I know, they're totally hard coded, it's never been done in the 5e Community Pack, and we don't have the ability to see exactly how they're coded. It could theoretically be possible if we knew what the code for an aligment looked like. But I don't know how we could do that.
Check the component tags. Enable datafile debugging. Create a structure file to hold the new alignments. Then make them as "things" using the appropriate component tags you find in the data files. This method takes a little more work but it can be done easily enough. You can create a homebrew alignment data file, open it in a text editor and create the things you need. Check the hlkitwiki page for information on creating "things". It's not impossible to work around what's in the data files to add things, you just need to get your hands dirty under the hood.