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How can my group can load my .user files


New member
Hello all,

Having a blast editing files! Combining my love of shadowrun, and 20 years of software development is a thing of beauty!

Curious if there is a better way for my group to load my mods? Currently, I have them open up the files in the console, and hit the "Test" button. Seems fidgety... is there a better more express way?

It sounds like you're not saving the files in the correct folder - if they're in the normal folder, they'll load automatically when you open that game system. (But Test Now will patch it into the data base wherever it is).

Tools...Explore Folders...Game System Data Folder will open the correct folder to store the files in. (They also can't be in a sub-folder of this).
There is also a "Quick Reload" option under the Develop Menu, accessible by Ctrl+R, if they have Hero Lab open when they copy the data files over.
The easiest way I've found to use user files made by other people is to open File Explorer to the folder the .user files are in. Select the files, right click and select copy from the menu.
Then, open hero lab, open the editor, select the open file menu item and instead of opening a file past the copied files within the open folder dialog.
Now close the editor, and in the develop menu select quick reload.
This will rebuild the files including your .user files you just copied.
and you are ready to go.
Well, the BEST way is via the Updates mechanism. You have them add an online update source URL once, then when ever you update tour files, they get the ! in HL and download them like any other update.

As an example: http://www.shadowsoftware.net/herolab/d20pfsrd/updates.xml

I believe the docs explain the xml you place but it's pretty straight forward (and I manually edit mine when I ftp my newest updates)