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Hodes not including Warcaster points


Hi guys

just wanted to say hello and thanks to everyone who does work on the files for Warmachine/Hordes!

I don't know if anyone else noticed but when you are making a list for Hordes, it doesn't figure in your warcasters extra allotted points for beasts.

For instance If I make the following list:
20 Pts - Everblight Army

Battlegroup (3#, 19 pts)
1 Lylyth, Herald of Everblight, 19 pts (Field of Slaughter; Bad Blood; Eruption of Spines; Parasite; Bushwhack)
1 Hellsinger (Blood Lure; Witch Mark)
1 Bow Blade
1 Angelius (Repulsion; Blood Creation; Flight; Overtake; Serpentine)
1 Flame Jet
1 Tail Strike (Armor Piercing (* Attack))
1 Ravagore (Dragon's Fire; Blood Creation; Soulless)
1 Blight Blast (Scather)
1 Talon
1 Talon

Blighted Nyss Shepherd (1#, 1 pts)
1 Shepherd, 1 pts (Beast Manipulation; Beast Master)
1 Crooked Staff

Validation Report:
Legion Warlock Themes: No Themes; Spell List: Long spells; Encounter level: Skirmish 25
Army satisfies all enforced validation rules

Composition Report:
Warlock: 1 (1 - 1)
Warbeast: 2 (0 - 0)
Solo: 1 (0 - 0)
Unit: 0 (0 - 0)

Total Army Cost: 20

Created with Army Builder® - Try it for free at http://www.wolflair.com

According to ArmyBuilder this is a 20pt list but it isn't. With the +6 points for beasts from the caster this list should currently only be: 14pts.

Warmachine works fine but it isn't working for hordes. Has anyone else noticed this?

thanks guys

Anyone have any idea when this will be looked into or how to fix it?

It makes the Hordes section of AB useless unless you sit and discuss with everyone you play against(which in a tournament setting would be a pain) and let them know that the software that you used to make the army list is wrong. For me it would make me think "well what else is wrong", or "what if point totals for each unit is wrong"?

Thanks for pointing this to me. I have been working in including the latest releases on the army files so I haven't worked anything on fixing this. Let me check it this week and I'll post any updates.

Thanks for pointing this to me. I have been working in including the latest releases on the army files so I haven't worked anything on fixing this. Let me check it this week and I'll post any updates.

Thank you SO MUCH Santimenez! We all appericate all the hardwork you put into these updates and can't say thank you enough!