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HLO and Ipad


New member
What is the recommendation to run on an ipad?
I've tried both Chrome and Safari - and after I login, all I see is menu items going down the screen (play, character, classes etc).. but no other info - even after clicking on character (for instance).
I don't see an app at the store for hero lab online (although I have the normal hero lab installed, but don't see an option to connect to starfinder characters there.
What is the recommendation to run on an ipad?
I've tried both Chrome and Safari - and after I login, all I see is menu items going down the screen (play, character, classes etc).. but no other info - even after clicking on character (for instance).
Is your iPad updated to the latest version of iOS? Both Chrome and Safari on the iPad actually run on the same rendering engine (it's an Apple requirement), and the older versions of it can have some weird bugs that mess with our responsive layouts.

I don't see an app at the store for hero lab online (although I have the normal hero lab installed, but don't see an option to connect to starfinder characters there.
HLO is web-only at the moment.