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HL4E Release courtesy of the user community


Well-known member
The 2014-09-20 release marks the first release of the 4e Ruleset as maintained by the community.

There are more bugfixes in here than I care to mention, plus all the themes, and the themes add-on incorporated.

We're including the content this time, not just the frameworks. So no need for the downloader anymore.

If you add http://hl4e.cryptoknight.org/updates.xml to your sources list you'll be able to download the 4e ruleset with data, bug fixes, themes, etc.

I would recommend renaming the existing 4e directory you have in c:\programdata\Hero Lab\data\4e before downloading it because there will likely be many many MANY conflicts if you use the existing system.
I just gave this a try and it download anything. I added the url to the sources list and renamed the original 4e folder.

At some point I hope to take over the 4e general release... then it will be easier...

Sorry, should have also mentioned you have to click "get updates" and then click it from the long and complicated list. :(
Thanks, cryptoknight, for putting this together! This release should be appearing in the Hero Lab updates mechanism very soon. :)
I keep getting an error message, claiming I can't download the files because they aren't Hero Lab files (this is after downloading v.6.0a).

How do I rename the "directory," and what do I change the name to?

[If it matters, I'm using Windows 8 - original version, not the updated 8.1 or whatever it was called.]

Any help for a computer illiterate?
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It should be fixed now. I know I copy/pasted what worked from the updates.xml file

but to be sure... I downloaded and imported again... and it's working for me, even after the HL update.
Thanks! I know there are more bugs yet to be squashed.

If you find stuff that seems wrong, or is wrong... Please head over to the link in my signature and post them in the bugs forum. I don't have access to the LW bugtracker.
Also, right now it's showing up as version 222... I don't know where that's coming from, because I never entered a version (nor can I with the tool that makes .hl files).

Hoping Colen will clear that up for me.
When I look at the "Latest Updates" page, I see several lines.

One says "4th Edition Community Data Files (V14)... 25-Sep-2014, Now Contains all of the Data!

The other says "CRYPTOKNIGHT4E - 4e DataFiles - 20 Sep-2014. 4e Ruleset, Including Data, Themes, and Bugfixes.

Which do I want?
Anybody know how to remove the source or set it so it only updates a specific game system? I have multiple 4e game folders and I don't want all of them updated by this source.
So I was going to post to http://hl4e.cryptoknight.org with an issue I found... But I don't know the answer to the security question and I might just be blind, but I can't find it on the site.
"What is the first name of the creator of the Themes Add-on?"
I tried "Crypto" but that didnt work...
That said, the security questions are a bit obtuse... the problem being that the site was hit with about 30 spam bots in the first week I put it up.
DMayhew, I believe by default it will only update the 4e directory, I've had multiples too, and only had LW's releases update that one.
Thanks. Of course it asked me a different (easier) question when I tried today...
I'm not sure I put it in the right place, so I apologize if I didnt!
Thanks again!