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HL file upload restrictions


Well-known member
I am inquiring about why Lonewolf has chosen to block upload of HeroLab HLexport files? I am currently curious because for those with Ipads and the like, installing the user file can be tricky and I do use dropbox for support there. Since I don't have a way to do future updates via the update window yet I have been posting .user files to my thread in the Pathfinder forum and wanted to have the HL file uploaded next to them. I just recently decided to start adding in the HL file because of the trouble I have seen with a friend and his Ipad. I don't mean to waste your time, but I didn't find any information on exactly why HL files are not allowed. Thank you for your time.
We allow people to upload .user files so they can get help with authoring issues they're having - our forums aren't suitable for hosting bigger files, which .hl files typically are. If you're looking to share .hl files with other users, we recommend hosting them on dropbox, or another cloud hosting service like google drive / onedrive / etc., rather than posting them on the forums.

Hope this helps!
Thanks for the reply!

I will most likely add a dropbox link to my thread when I get the link established, but I should point out that when I made my HL file via HLExport it dropped my file size from 231Kb to 50.5Kb. Seems HLExport has a compression algorithm nowadays. Funny part is when I zip the HL file it hardly gains any compression. I got a 1Kb difference between the HL file and the zip of the HL file.
Your file may only be 50k, but a lot of the content people create for Hero Lab is much bigger, multiple megabytes in size - we don't want them posting that on the forums. :)

HLExport uses a compression very similar to zip, so zipping the file any further won't provide any further gains.