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HL 4E bugs


New member
Hi everyone,

I'm trying out HL by a suggestion from a friend and I'm enjoying it so far. After downloading from DDI as well as implementing the community edits (themes, etc), it seems to be close to exactly what I'm looking for. As we move towards the rollout of D&D Next, I'm fairly sure that the online builder will not be up indefinitely, so I'm looking to HL as a replacement. I'm running into various weaknesses/bugs HL has in comparison to the online builder, which is giving me pause as to whether or not HL is right for me.

I don't know if this is the place to post bugs, so please relocate this thread to the appropriate location if it isn't. I'd like to bring up issues I've seen while trying to recreate my character in HL. If Lone Wolf or the community is receptive to my critiques, that would definitely sway my opinion.

- Selecting Hybrid Warlock class option grants me both the at-will and pact boon from the chosen (hybrid) Eldritch Pact automatically without any options to manually delete them from the powers section. This should not occur for hybrid Warlocks, as stated by the hybrid Eldritch pact class feature.

- Warlock's Curse (hybrid) class feature currently does not satisfy the prerequisites for feats requiring the regular Warlock's Curse. The following feats should have their Warlock's Curse restriction satisfied by Warlock's Curse (hybrid). They are: Accursed Coordination, Warlock's Sight, Flitting Shadows, Eldritch Momentum, Beseech Patron, Cursed Advantage, Dooming Action, Reckless Curse, Vengeful Curse, Mindbite Scorn, Death Curse, Brutal Curse, Curse of Displacement, Cursed shot, Exultant Shadow Step, Killing Curse, Primed Curse, Prolonged Curse, Relentless Curse, Shared Pact, Curse of the Blind Stars, Fey Revel Glamor, Hellfire Hex, Protective Hex, Veil of Waking Dreams, Twofold Curse, Curse of Doom Ensured, Warding Curse, Contagious Curse, Critical Curse, Cursed Spells, Inevitable Doom, Mind-Numbing Curse.

- The Demanding Talent multiclass feat lacks Athletics as a skill option yet this is a class skill for Battleminds.

- The Rhythm Blade magic weapon enchantment does not confer its shield bonus since weapons aren't equippable. Can a workaround be implemented for the shield slot to utilize weapon enchantments?

- Karach armor, Mithral Plating and Eladrin Chainmail's magic properties should make them not impose Speed and Skill penalties as heavy armors, but this isn't working.

- Ardent Strike (Paladin at-will Lv1) does not utilize either Strength or Charisma; it just defaults to Strength. Though it seems that there's a community script to change the ability modifiers for a given power somewhere, I can't find instructions on how to utilize scripts in HL.

- Devout Protector Expertise does not add feat bonuses to attacks using -either- weapons nor holy symbols.

- There doesn't seem to be any options for Superior Implements in the Magic items tab. For example, I wish to take an Accurate Magic Holy Symbol +2, but there is no option to take the Accurate variant superior holy symbol implement. This in turn, makes the feat Superior Implement Training useless, as HL does not allow obtaining magic superior implements.

Thanks for reading!
Hi everyone,

I'm trying out HL by a suggestion from a friend and I'm enjoying it so far. After downloading from DDI as well as implementing the community edits (themes, etc), it seems to be close to exactly what I'm looking for. As we move towards the rollout of D&D Next, I'm fairly sure that the online builder will not be up indefinitely, so I'm looking to HL as a replacement. I'm running into various weaknesses/bugs HL has in comparison to the online builder, which is giving me pause as to whether or not HL is right for me.

I don't know if this is the place to post bugs, so please relocate this thread to the appropriate location if it isn't. I'd like to bring up issues I've seen while trying to recreate my character in HL. If Lone Wolf or the community is receptive to my critiques, that would definitely sway my opinion.

- Selecting Hybrid Warlock class option grants me both the at-will and pact boon from the chosen (hybrid) Eldritch Pact automatically without any options to manually delete them from the powers section. This should not occur for hybrid Warlocks, as stated by the hybrid Eldritch pact class feature.

- Warlock's Curse (hybrid) class feature currently does not satisfy the prerequisites for feats requiring the regular Warlock's Curse. The following feats should have their Warlock's Curse restriction satisfied by Warlock's Curse (hybrid). They are: Accursed Coordination, Warlock's Sight, Flitting Shadows, Eldritch Momentum, Beseech Patron, Cursed Advantage, Dooming Action, Reckless Curse, Vengeful Curse, Mindbite Scorn, Death Curse, Brutal Curse, Curse of Displacement, Cursed shot, Exultant Shadow Step, Killing Curse, Primed Curse, Prolonged Curse, Relentless Curse, Shared Pact, Curse of the Blind Stars, Fey Revel Glamor, Hellfire Hex, Protective Hex, Veil of Waking Dreams, Twofold Curse, Curse of Doom Ensured, Warding Curse, Contagious Curse, Critical Curse, Cursed Spells, Inevitable Doom, Mind-Numbing Curse.

- The Demanding Talent multiclass feat lacks Athletics as a skill option yet this is a class skill for Battleminds.

- The Rhythm Blade magic weapon enchantment does not confer its shield bonus since weapons aren't equippable. Can a workaround be implemented for the shield slot to utilize weapon enchantments?

- Karach armor, Mithral Plating and Eladrin Chainmail's magic properties should make them not impose Speed and Skill penalties as heavy armors, but this isn't working.

- Ardent Strike (Paladin at-will Lv1) does not utilize either Strength or Charisma; it just defaults to Strength. Though it seems that there's a community script to change the ability modifiers for a given power somewhere, I can't find instructions on how to utilize scripts in HL.

- Devout Protector Expertise does not add feat bonuses to attacks using -either- weapons nor holy symbols.

- There doesn't seem to be any options for Superior Implements in the Magic items tab. For example, I wish to take an Accurate Magic Holy Symbol +2, but there is no option to take the Accurate variant superior holy symbol implement. This in turn, makes the feat Superior Implement Training useless, as HL does not allow obtaining magic superior implements.

Thanks for reading!

I fixed both Ardent Strike and Devout Protector Expertise some while ago. You find the .user files on Cryptoknights site (the URL you can find in a post by him on this forum). I also included support for SOME superior implements, but due to the way the 4e stuff does it this has to be implemented INDIVIDUALLY for each implement type affected so I did not implement all gazillion different types.

I think the Ardent Strike was in a "Paladin Fixes" user file or something like that and the Expertise one in "Expertise Fixes" or something like that.

tirionareonwe AT gmail.com
That said, the core mechanic of how Hybrids work is flawed in Hero Lab.

I've made a few Hybrids... most notably Hybrid Swordmage/Wizard and Hybrid Fighter/Rogue.

Both of them took the Hybrid Talent feat, but when they made it to Paragon, they received the Hybrid Talent for free. That only happens if they take Hybrid Paragon as their Paragon path, they are free to take either classes Paragon Path (or another classes if they also multi-class). I simply had to pick something for the 2nd Hybrid Talent feat and chose the same option (which fortunately didn't double its value) both times. HL gets really mad if you don't pick something, so if I made a Hybrid that didn't take the feat, I'd be getting a bonus I don't deserve.