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Hexblade warlocks


Well-known member
Hello everyone,
I am getting some new players into 4e, yea me. One of them wants to play a hexblade, probably infernal, I made the character in HL & ddi CB. Hl had the attack powers @+3 and damage as +3, but the builder had them at +5(6) and damage +6
HL was also adding an extra power in, which I forget at this moment but once I'm at my pc I will post lol. I will attach a pdf of each when I get to my pc.
If someone will try and make a lvl 1 hexblade and check it would be great. Tiefling infernal
@ Dami I have checked the bonuses by hand and the DDI is correct in its eval script for most of the powers.
It would seem that HL is not adding the bonuses from the Theme Infernal Prince [+1 power bonus to fire attacks]
Also HL is not adding the proficiency bonus for Blade of Annihilation [+2]
Not sure how to fix these two items, the program seems to have in place the correct tags but they are not adding.
HL does add the level 7 Encounter power Reflexive Hellstrike [which I have fixed]


  • HL Hexblade CC.pdf
    HL Hexblade CC.pdf
    546.5 KB · Views: 1
  • DDICB-Hexblade--CC-4.jpg
    247.6 KB · Views: 1
  • DDICB-Hexblade--CC-5.jpg
    98.5 KB · Views: 1