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Hero Lab on Mac Needs Update for New OS

Lone Wolf Development Support support@wolflair.com via lonewolfdevel.com
1:21 PM (7 hours ago)


It sounds to me like you're using the latest Mac OS that was released this past week. If that is indeed the case then I am sorry to say that at this point we do not have a solid grasp on the issue although I would mention that it is a known problem.

Apologies for the inconvenience, I hope to have news with an update on the situation ready for you soon. Thanks!
Hero Lab Crash on Launch with latest MAC OS

Lone Wolf Team,

I have sent an email as mentioned above to the support team. I am another user that is experiencing the app crashing on launch. Hope ya'll get a fix up soon. Our table has it's game next weekend!
I popped in to make some M&M heroes today, and I have sent you my crash report.
Oddly it doesn't crash when I load up Savage Worlds, only 5e and M&M.
Yeah, I'm also having the crashing issue with HL on Monterey 12.6.

I wonder how many crash reports they need of the same issue?
LW hasn't issued an update to HLC in over 2 years, to set everyone's expectations. The last update was 8.9e in Jan 2020.
Hero Lab no longer opens since the update to Monterey 12.6.

This is a fully paid for product with hundreds if not more than a $1000 worth of content.
Hey there all,

I just wanted to pop my head in and give something of an update on the situation. We have been in touch with Apple regarding the problem and have been advised that this kind of problem is in fact something that is impacting many other services and Apps as well and that they consider it to be a known problem. We weren't given any more information regarding the topic, provided assurances, or promises that they will have it fixed within any timeframe but, generally speaking, we anticipate that this is something they will be working to address with version/build update to the OS itself.

In short, the problem is something that is not easily overcome because the underlying bug is a particularly sticky one and it's actually baked into the OS version itself rather than our software. I know it's likely not the update any of you were hoping for but I did want to do what I can to help keep you in the loop.

And, for what it's worth, both Wacom and Corel tend to have some more problems with Macintosh updates. At that, both are mildly notorious for just stopping supporting particular versions of their software, forcing people to buy new ones.
It looks like LW created a new update for the Mac Hero Lab Classic. I installed it this morning and the app launches successfully.
Hey there everyone,

As promised I am back again today to provide an update on the situation since I just got off the line with our team who have informed me that as of this morning there is a new Mac version of HLC (8.9i) posted to the servers that will get around the issue introduced by Apple in macOS 12.6. Many of you who contacted us directly via the support email will have already seen a message very similar to this one but given that a fair number of users do not actually either know or perhaps care to deal with the hassle of writing support email messages I wanted to get this information posted here as well for some increased visibility.

This updated version is accessible via the link I'm including below to our Product Download page for this version and it is also available through the HLC Updates download menu where all the other various Updates and game data files are located within the software.

Given that this is a new version/build of the software there is a possibility that upon attempting to launch the software after the update you may encounter an OS-generated "malicious software warning" that prevents automatic launch. If this happens you can bypass the problem by doing the following:
Launch Hero Lab > View Error as noted > Click "Show in Finder" > Locate Hero Lab within the Finder Window > Right-Click > Open > View a similar Error window

Once you do this you should see the option to open the software and bypass/ignore the warning, and in so doing it will have your system recall the decision by whitelisting it locally so that the error should no longer appear on any attempt to launch Hero Lab Classic. We do already have plans in motion to get that additional bit of hassle wrapped up and negate any need to use the Finder App workaround fix for the local whitelist, but we were much more focused at this phase on ensuring that we corrected the much bigger problem of the software failing/crashing outright.

Thanks a million for letting us know about the issue promptly, and a special shout-out to all of you wonderful people that sent messages to the support desk and provided detailed crash report logs.
I installed HLC for Mac 8.9j this evening and I got it running for Pathfinder RPG. I had to re-download the game system - not a big deal, but it seemed odd since there wasn't a concurrent update for PFRPG. Once I got Hero Lab started, though, it became apparent that the reason I had to redownload the game system is that the new version isn't pulling in the data that the older version used. The game system is loaded and my license is activated, but the Community Pack and World Is Square packages, for example, aren't available. I can try reinstalling them, but before I do, I thought I'd ask if anyone else has seen and solved this problem with a hopefully simple setting change that I'm just too oblivious to see on my own?