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Hero lab log in problem

Hero lab log in Error

hi there when i weant to log in to hero lab online tonight i got this

{"Error":{"Code":"UnsupportedApiVersion","Message":"The HTTP resource that matches the request URI 'http://herolab.online/characters' does not support the API version '1.0'."}}

what is the problem is hero lab down for maintenance? or do i need to update my API somehow? any help would be welcome
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I am not sure what happened. After a restart of the service, it is working again. We will continue investigating what caused this.
I too, am having the exact same issue. In both Safari and Chrome (both with the most recent updates). Using an iMac with OS 10.13.3

{"Error":{"Code":"UnsupportedApiVersion","Message" :"The HTTP resource that matches the request URI 'http://herolab.online/characters' does not support the API version '1.0'."}}
Still being affected by this on my iPad.

{"Error":{"Code":"UnsupportedApiVersion","Message":"The HTTP resource that matches the request URI 'http://herolab.online/' does not support the API version '1.0'."}}
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The service has been restarted again. We have a theory as to what happened and will be looking at fixing this in the next day or so.