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Help with editing the data files please :)


New member
Hi :)

I just got AB3 and have been trying to add things to the data file as they dont have everything I need for the cards I have.

Ive worked out how to add units and artefacts and get them to appear and assign them uniquely to characters and that kind of thing.. I need help with a specific artefact though...

The Artefact belongs to Melkion the Flaming (Griffin) and what it does is to allow him to take as many fire spells as he likes, with the normal power restrictions only applying to other paths of Magic. What I want to do is to tell AB3 that a Melkion with this artefact can do that.

I would assume that the code goes in the "Eval" section of the Option associated with the artefact in question (in ABCreator) - what code do I need to tell AB3 to ignore Power for the Fire spells?

I know its a technical question.. but would love some help :)

I never did put that artefact in the files.
Actually, it's real easy to do. Don't know why it took so long to figure out....

Just make a unit, call it "The Phoenix" throw the 'firesp' linkset on it and give it like POW=99 and POTEN=99 link it up with a regular old option for Melkion to take. Presto! The Phoenix can take every non-Path restricted fire spell in the book!

I'll have it in the next update if you want to take a look. What else were you working on? Mainly the Griffin?
Let me know and I can plow through them again. I'm slowly going through each army with a microscope and really trying to get them all 100% in time for GenCon this year!

Cheers! and thanks!
Oh yeah, you'll want to put "FALSE" in the Member tag expression or else you'll see The Phoenix as a unit choice!

Thanks! Ill try that.

My fiancee plays griffin and is having trouble making lists due to omissions. I thought I would try and update it rather than complain that things arent complete ;)

My own armies are Ophidians and Cadwallon. Ive added a couple of ogres that werent in there but i havent checked the list fully yet.

Thank you for your help!

Yeah, Rackham still has French cards up for those stupid ogres!
I'll get them in the new update as well as go over the Griffin. Been a while since I've worked on them! Do you play with any of the Crusades? I went over them in the last update. They should be working fine...I think.

Glad the files are getting used!