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Help with code for RCC/living persona


Well-known member
I'm looking to create a work round for the machinist Daemon in Kill Code until the books released.

How to set sharing to the characters charisma, currently trying the following code which is throwing error I can't trace down.

perform field[rccSharing].value += hero.child[attrCha].field[trtAugment].value + hero.child[attrCha].field[trtInPlay].value,"Charisma"]

any pointers?
My reading of this ability is that it gives the living persona two new attributes. noise reduction and sharing. noise reduction is based off of willpower and sharing is based off of charisma. The living persona itself acts as the rcc, it doesn't modify an actual rcc.
I understand it’s not an actual deck but couldn’t figure out how to get hero lab to display the noise reduction and sharing values on the living person a so made a stand in rcc so the values would be easily visible can set the noise value very easily but can set the sharing one hence the plea for help :)
okay so, what is available for noise and sharing is based off of rating of the device.
If you do something similar to what is in adjusts for the device rating adjustment, but change the increase to willpower and charisma, and then change the values to right numbers on the device that's about as close as you will get.
It might actually be easier to just use the adjustment and do it manually.