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Help on Creating A New Sorcerer Bloodline


Active member
Oh my masters of coding, I am trying to get a new bloodline of sorcerer created (for Odyssey of the Dragonlords) and I'm getting stuck. How do I define the special abilities they get at certain levels? Then how do I define what spells they may choose from? Finally, this "bloodline" also grants a couple of "free" spells (same as a Cleric) - how can I get these in? Thanks in advance!
The best way to find out this stuff is to pull up subclasses that already do similar things, and look at how they did it.

Subclasses are in the Class->Custom Ability tab. Go there, hit the "New (Copy)" button, and select subclasses that already do similar things to what you want.
The best way to find out this stuff is to pull up subclasses that already do similar things, and look at how they did it.

Subclasses are in the Class->Custom Ability tab. Go there, hit the "New (Copy)" button, and select subclasses that already do similar things to what you want.

I've got most of it done, it's just the spells... I can't seem to get them available to select in the Spells tab. Also, they get a chance to choose a "domain" (as their powers come from the gods) and, depending on the Domain, they get two "free" spells (just like a Cleric might).
I've got most of it done, it's just the spells... I can't seem to get them available to select in the Spells tab. Also, they get a chance to choose a "domain" (as their powers come from the gods) and, depending on the Domain, they get two "free" spells (just like a Cleric might).

There's no fool like an old fool! All I had to do was tell it to use the normal Sorcerer list (in Other Class' Spells)...

That only leaves to Domain stuff...
There's no fool like an old fool! All I had to do was tell it to use the normal Sorcerer list (in Other Class' Spells)...

That only leaves to Domain stuff...

Bit more trial and error - I would need to create eight (8) new "bloodlines" (in this case, their patron deity) specific to this new type of Sorcerer. Each would give them two (2) freebie spells depending on the diety selected. This is more like the Cleric Domain function as these spells can be cast once per short/long rest and do not consume a spell slot.
You could also use just one subclass, then create a domain class feature that uses an array to pick the domain. The array then assigns a usrIndex value. You can then use eval scripts to assign the spells based on what the usrIndex is.
You could also use just one subclass, then create a domain class feature that uses an array to pick the domain. The array then assigns a usrIndex value. You can then use eval scripts to assign the spells based on what the usrIndex is.

:eek: I probably could if I understood what you said! :D LOL Is this documented up somewhere, with examples, so I can see how it works? Though I work in IT, I'm not a Java developer, so I'd need a lot of help through this...
In the Custom Ability, use the "Array-Based Menu?" to write out the options. This will create a drop-down box for the user to pick their domain. When they pick it, a field called "usrIndex" will be set to equal the number on that array chosen; 0, 1, 2, etc.

Depending on how you're granting the spells, you can use that field/variable to do the different things your different domains need to do. You can conditionally bootstrap stuff with them, or do eval scripts with if/then statements.

I don't know the exact nature of how you're doing things, but there's plenty of resources on these forums you can search for on this stuff.