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Well-known member
I have waited for a bit before getting into this, but now I need to make my character and having the Starfinder license would aid me in this. How do I add it to my regular license?
Yes you need to create an account unless you have a Realm Works account or you were in the beta. Starfinder is all that is supported currently so no you don't need to buy the license again. You do need to buy it though.
So I have to create an account and buy my licenses all over again?

Eventually there will be an option to transfer HL Classic materials to HL Online. For now only Starfinder's Core Rulebook is available for HL Online, though Alien Archive will be available early next week.
No it shares a login system with Realm Works.

When I login with my RW account, it says that my account is valid, but I don't have access to HLO.

When I activate a license, I don't have a code for HLO.

When I create a new account, it prompts me for a new username and password without asking me if I want to use my RW account.
Sounds like "adding an HLO license to an RW account" is a missing feature to me, one perhaps worthy of a bug report. For now, you can get an HLO code by logging out of the store and then buying one, according to other posts on the forum. I don't know whether that will work when you log back in with an RW account; that might be worth asking as well.
So, I found out you can buy it from wolflair.com. But that still doesn't help me right now, because there's a fraud alert on my card with several transactions that are actually fraudulent (nothing to do with Lone Wolf).
When I login with my RW account, it says that my account is valid, but I don't have access to HLO.

When I activate a license, I don't have a code for HLO.

When I create a new account, it prompts me for a new username and password without asking me if I want to use my RW account.

Just owning Realm Works does not grant a license for Hero Lab Online with Starfinder, as it's a separate product that must be purchased. If you're instead seeking Demo access to HLO (this is not clear to me from your post), you can readily add it to your account from the main product page on our website at http://www.wolflair.com/hlo/.

Acquiring an HLO/Starfinder license can be accomplished by going through the normal purchase process on our website. You can login with your RW account on sales.lonewolfdevel.com and add HLO to that account. OR, you can separately purchase HLO without logging in and subsequently use the issued activation code to add HLO to your existing account. Either way should achieve the objective, if that's what you're seeking.

Hope this helps!
Just owning Realm Works does not grant a license for Hero Lab Online with Starfinder, as it's a separate product that must be purchased.

Yes, Rob, I know. I was intending to bite the bullet and purchase it. I visited the link everyone was pointing to. Confusion ensued as there was no obvious option to purchase.

Then I found my card was compromised (again, nothing to do with LWD), so when I finally found the right link, I couldn't purchase it.

Thanks for letting me know about the demo. I'll start with that instead.
This process IS a bit confusing and we are working on clearing up the confusion with a few tweaks that should be in place by Friday. :)